



Original Poster:

282 posts

131 months

Thursday 28th November
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I've received some personal and very good advice from Dave over the years, but he hasn't replied to recent emails.

In Classic Car Weekly, I've just read about funeral arrangements for a David Byron. Does anyone know if it's the same chap?

Thanks, Andrew

Edited by Mutley00 on Thursday 28th November 10:38


9,782 posts

241 months

Friday 29th November
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Cant answer the question sorry but that was his name, he was well known here so maybe someone will know for sure.

s p a c e m a n

11,010 posts

156 months

Friday 29th November
quotequote all

I used to live in Stanford le hope, there were a few chimaeras living around there.

I don't know if chimpongas is 40 or 70.

Edited by s p a c e m a n on Friday 29th November 19:12


430 posts

7 months

Friday 29th November
quotequote all
That’s not the Dave Byron we know.