Mini Roundabouts - Illegal/FPN to drive over?

Mini Roundabouts - Illegal/FPN to drive over?



Original Poster:

11,000 posts

123 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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What is the law on mini roundabouts? (I.e, just a painted circle on the road)

There is one near me that I (and everyone) routinely partly drive over when turning right, largely due to the tight nature and poor road surface.

6.15am this morning, I drove partly over it en route to the gym, only to be pulled by a beat cop (i.e., non-traffic). He advised that I'd broken the law as two of my wheels had gone over the white centre. He'd let me off with a warning but next time it would be a FPN & 3pts.

HC states to drive round, as per normal roundabout, unless your vehicle size means you can't, in which case you can go over, but is it really a FPN/3pt offence?


14,489 posts

241 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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From another thread where this was discussed a while back -

SS2. said:
No points and, as far as I can tell, only an offence contrary to s.36 RTA 1988 if there is a blue mini-roundabout sign in place (Diagram 611.1).

Exemptions do exist where the size of the vehicle or the roundabout layout would make it impractical to keep to the left of the white circle.


1,378 posts

124 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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No idea on the legality, but there's one similar to what you describe very close to my house - easier and smoother to cut across the roundabout when turning right than to do it "properly" just to make sure you go around the middle section. I do so, but only if there's no other traffic in the vicinity.


1,409 posts

129 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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I was thinking about this only yesterday, as there is a medium-sized but only-painted-centre roundabout in town on my short commute. It's not a straight over junction, more like a 6 and 2 o'clock.

I tend to drive around the centre, but everyone else seems to drive directly over it (which looks and seems very unnatural). I wasn't sure if it was me doing the wrong thing or not.


1,985 posts

84 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Also if you're wanting to turn right (and signalling to turn) but then go the long way around the roundabout instead of slightly over it, often oncoming cars think you're not actually turning right and will start to pull out.


850 posts

138 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Highway code:

Mini-roundabouts. Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so. Remember, there is less space to manoeuvre and less time to signal. Avoid making U-turns at mini-roundabouts. Beware of others doing this.
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10(1) & 16(1)

Bright Halo

3,102 posts

238 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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The 4 way mini by me has a solid white centre approx 3m dia and then a further hatched area around that.
Most ignore the hatched area and straight line it but I tend to go round that as well otherwise it doesn’t give other road users time to join the traffic flow.


Original Poster:

11,000 posts

123 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Valgar said:
Highway code:

Mini-roundabouts. Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so. Remember, there is less space to manoeuvre and less time to signal. Avoid making U-turns at mini-roundabouts. Beware of others doing this.
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10(1) & 16(1)
But as mentioned above...Is that only if there is a blue-mini roundabout sign displayed? (There isn't on the one in question)


1,409 posts

129 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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This is the one I'm referring to.

I does have a blue roundabout sign, but whereas I take the green route, everyone else I've seen has taken the red route.

It's not surprising though. If you told me all the other road users around here were legally blind and had serious brain injuries, I'd believe it.


14,489 posts

241 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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If there's a blue mini-roundabout sign (Diagram 611.1), then it's a requirement to keep to the left of the white circle unless the size of the vehicle or the layout of the junction makes it impracticable to do so.

FPN can be issued, but the specific offence doesn't carry penalty points.

Valgar said:
Highway code:

Mini-roundabouts. Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so. Remember, there is less space to manoeuvre and less time to signal. Avoid making U-turns at mini-roundabouts. Beware of others doing this.
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10(1) & 16(1)
The Highway Code is not law, nor is it quoting current regulations.


1,668 posts

147 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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I saw the thread title and thought of this roundabout near me:


1,379 posts

129 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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I dunno why they don't get rid of all mini-roundabouts and leave the give way markings in place, or perhaps just flatten 'em.


1,409 posts

129 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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boxedin said:
I dunno why they don't get rid of all mini-roundabouts and leave the give way markings in place, or perhaps just flatten 'em.
I think the problem is that it's the only half-enforceable way to ensure oncoming traffic has priority (as opposed to normal junctions).

I'm yet to see anyone act like they know what give way markings mean, even with the triangular sign.


Original Poster:

11,000 posts

123 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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boxedin said:
I dunno why they don't get rid of all mini-roundabouts and leave the give way markings in place, or perhaps just flatten 'em.
Because if all entrances had Give-Way, no one would have right of way....and the average motorist doesn't need any further reasons to mess up!


8,609 posts

103 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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cj2013 said:
I think the problem is that it's the only half-enforceable way to ensure oncoming traffic has priority (as opposed to normal junctions).

I'm yet to see anyone act like they know what give way markings mean, even with the triangular sign.
"If traffic is approaching from the 12 o'clock position, floor it, swing right then honk horn and go apoplectic whilst shouting 'GIVE WAY TO THE WIGHT! CAMWUH' , then post the footage on YouTube"


19,029 posts

198 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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I drive straight over all of them. They’re pathetic.


1,409 posts

129 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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donkmeister said:
"If traffic is approaching from the 12 o'clock position, floor it, swing right then honk horn and go apoplectic whilst shouting 'GIVE WAY TO THE WIGHT! CAMWUH' , then post the footage on YouTube"


7,167 posts

226 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Zigster said:
I saw the thread title and thought of this roundabout near me:
You can sort of see why they are doing it, pretty marginal for the risk compared to just driving over the painted cicle and staying their side of the divider.


1,409 posts

129 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Zigster said:
I saw the thread title and thought of this roundabout near me:
That's mouthbreathingly spectacular eek


Original Poster:

11,000 posts

123 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Toltec said:
Zigster said:
I saw the thread title and thought of this roundabout near me:
You can sort of see why they are doing it, pretty marginal for the risk compared to just driving over the painted cicle and staying their side of the divider.
Roundabout will be largely unsighted coming from that direction....example of stupidity in road design more than anything else.