Another buyer asking money off after deal and collection
I am 100% clear in my mind that I sold in good faith now and am happy that telling him to do one is fine to do.
I think he is either trying it on or he needs to slow down on the doing of the deal to get a bargain and add a process of questions about the trailers and ask for a walk around video etc. i think he was more interested in getting a refund in part than a solution to what he described as a problem.
I also expect that any solicitor would explain he has zero come back than try to take on a fight like this as any fees would not make it a worthwhile venture.
I think he is either trying it on or he needs to slow down on the doing of the deal to get a bargain and add a process of questions about the trailers and ask for a walk around video etc. i think he was more interested in getting a refund in part than a solution to what he described as a problem.
I also expect that any solicitor would explain he has zero come back than try to take on a fight like this as any fees would not make it a worthwhile venture.
Caddyshack said:
blueg33 said:
Dear trailer trader - f
k off - lots of love the Op
I think he may have quite a few friends who like to live in different places where they can park their caravans….based on his profile pictures. Prefer not to stir the wrong hornets nest.
Block his number. If he genuinely is miles away, it's unlikely he'll be paying you a visit for the sake of a few quid, he'll just move on to the next purchase that he wants to cream some extra margin off.
Muzzer79 said:
Caddyshack said:
blueg33 said:
Dear trailer trader - f
k off - lots of love the Op
I think he may have quite a few friends who like to live in different places where they can park their caravans….based on his profile pictures. Prefer not to stir the wrong hornets nest.
Block his number. If he genuinely is miles away, it's unlikely he'll be paying you a visit for the sake of a few quid, he'll just move on to the next purchase that he wants to cream some extra margin off.
Caddyshack said:
Hi All,
This is possibly just a vent but a double check to my assumptions.
I listed a 2011 Horse Trailer on FB market place. Within 5 mins I had a private buyer trying to buy it over the phone. Then a few mins later I had a trader contact me and ask if still available, I said that it was but had someone offering on it. The box was listed at £4,500 which is fairly cheap as I knew it would sell fast like that.
The trader said to forget the other buyer, he would pay a deposit there and then with the balance on collection but his offer was a firm £4k. We danced about with me trying £4250, meet me in the middle etc but he said he buys and sells 10 per month and it was £4k firm. I took the deposit.
His collection chap drove from Newcastle to just past Guildford to collect so at least 5 hrs. He said it was lovely, thought they would have paid more but had to factor in the £300 diesel and time to collect. He commented that it was great condition and they normally did not get service records, spare keys and all the security with it. He phoned the boss, they had a chat and then the rest of the money hit my account.
2 days later the trader texted me to say there was a problem with the roof. I said that I knew the previous owner has bumped a garage but had it repaired (it is fibre glass) Trader said he was not aware and it needs a whole new roof. I said it is cosmetic, 11 yrs old, doesnt leak and he bought it cheap, if he wanted to paint the roof he could spend a few quid at Halfords on fibre glass resin and paint but it was repaired properly and does not cause any issues.
Then 4 hrs later he asked for me to send him £300 to help cover the cost. I declined.
He then phoned up telling me that I must pay him or he would deliver the trailer back. I explained that if he did that it would be at his cost and for me to decide if I wanted to refund him and I was within my rights as a private seller to decline or make an offer to buy back. He demanded the money or a return and full refund and he would be here next week.
I told him to check his rights with his Solicitor and as a gesture I would take it back if he delivered it and I would keep £300 for my trouble / lost buyer / lost time....his parting shot was "we will sort it" I said I did not understand what he meant and he just repeated "we will sort it"
I repeated that if he wanted me to take it back I would refund all but £300 and if he thought I was not being fair then he should consult his Solicitor.
Does this all seem within the spirit of the law, the spirit of the sale etc.?
He did not ask the condition at any stage, he did not ask for pictures and did not check any description with me. It is a lovely clean example and the guy that picked it up said it will sell for £5k quickly when they advertised it.
I did not mention the roof repair to him as it did not even cross my mind (4 inch square patch) only seen when on a ladder on the outside and does not change the way it works in any way at all.
I also offered that if he wanted to unbolt the roof and courier it to me I would raptor spray it all one colour or paint the whole roof for free myself and then courier back to me. He declined which makes me think he is just trying it on?
Face book &@&@%$€ like the Wild West fecking horrendous chancers and crooks on that market place,This is possibly just a vent but a double check to my assumptions.
I listed a 2011 Horse Trailer on FB market place. Within 5 mins I had a private buyer trying to buy it over the phone. Then a few mins later I had a trader contact me and ask if still available, I said that it was but had someone offering on it. The box was listed at £4,500 which is fairly cheap as I knew it would sell fast like that.
The trader said to forget the other buyer, he would pay a deposit there and then with the balance on collection but his offer was a firm £4k. We danced about with me trying £4250, meet me in the middle etc but he said he buys and sells 10 per month and it was £4k firm. I took the deposit.
His collection chap drove from Newcastle to just past Guildford to collect so at least 5 hrs. He said it was lovely, thought they would have paid more but had to factor in the £300 diesel and time to collect. He commented that it was great condition and they normally did not get service records, spare keys and all the security with it. He phoned the boss, they had a chat and then the rest of the money hit my account.
2 days later the trader texted me to say there was a problem with the roof. I said that I knew the previous owner has bumped a garage but had it repaired (it is fibre glass) Trader said he was not aware and it needs a whole new roof. I said it is cosmetic, 11 yrs old, doesnt leak and he bought it cheap, if he wanted to paint the roof he could spend a few quid at Halfords on fibre glass resin and paint but it was repaired properly and does not cause any issues.
Then 4 hrs later he asked for me to send him £300 to help cover the cost. I declined.
He then phoned up telling me that I must pay him or he would deliver the trailer back. I explained that if he did that it would be at his cost and for me to decide if I wanted to refund him and I was within my rights as a private seller to decline or make an offer to buy back. He demanded the money or a return and full refund and he would be here next week.
I told him to check his rights with his Solicitor and as a gesture I would take it back if he delivered it and I would keep £300 for my trouble / lost buyer / lost time....his parting shot was "we will sort it" I said I did not understand what he meant and he just repeated "we will sort it"
I repeated that if he wanted me to take it back I would refund all but £300 and if he thought I was not being fair then he should consult his Solicitor.
Does this all seem within the spirit of the law, the spirit of the sale etc.?
He did not ask the condition at any stage, he did not ask for pictures and did not check any description with me. It is a lovely clean example and the guy that picked it up said it will sell for £5k quickly when they advertised it.
I did not mention the roof repair to him as it did not even cross my mind (4 inch square patch) only seen when on a ladder on the outside and does not change the way it works in any way at all.
I also offered that if he wanted to unbolt the roof and courier it to me I would raptor spray it all one colour or paint the whole roof for free myself and then courier back to me. He declined which makes me think he is just trying it on?
Makes eBay look good..

Caddyshack said:
I think he may have quite a few friends who like to live in different places where they can park their caravans….based on his profile pictures. Prefer not to stir the wrong hornets nest.
That doesn't square with "lives on his mum's estate" unless the estate is a caravan park.It does seem rather odd to send someone on a 10 hour round trip at a chunky cost to collect a £4K trailer.
Mind you, if he really is a "lives on his mum's estate" type of person I know a couple of people like that and they do seem a bit dim with money as everything is more of a hobby than a job.
Gunk said:
Private sales are an absolute pain the backside, just sold our Mini to a trader in Bristol, probably could have got a couple hundred more but the transaction was completely painless and stress free.
Based on the fact this chap is a trader I was surprised.I have sold a few cars via a well known car trader as it is so much easier than dealing with the public. You get less in most instances but it’s often better than the hassle and wasted time.
Ivan stewart said:
Face book &@&@%$€ like the Wild West fecking horrendous chancers and crooks on that market place,
Makes eBay look good..
It's a bit better than eBay in that usually the buyer collects and pays cash/bank transfer so there's no realistic way they can reverse the sale. With eBay you can post something and the buyer can claim they received a bubble-wrapped brick and you are screwed.Makes eBay look good..

Also you can see the person's profile so you can vet the buyers. I just sold a spare solar panel today and ignored one person who looked like a pain so I moved to the next one - also they asked questions answered in the ad text (huge red flag).
Gareth79 said:
It's a bit better than eBay in that usually the buyer collects and pays cash/bank transfer so there's no realistic way they can reverse the sale. With eBay you can post something and the buyer can claim they received a bubble-wrapped brick and you are screwed.
Also you can see the person's profile so you can vet the buyers. I just sold a spare solar panel today and ignored one person who looked like a pain so I moved to the next one - also they asked questions answered in the ad text (huge red flag).
I beg to differ, there is no way FB marketplace is better than eBay, it’s just full of chavs and chancers. I’ve given up and gone back to eBay, I just wait for the sellers fees offers.Also you can see the person's profile so you can vet the buyers. I just sold a spare solar panel today and ignored one person who looked like a pain so I moved to the next one - also they asked questions answered in the ad text (huge red flag).
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