Another buyer asking money off after deal and collection

Another buyer asking money off after deal and collection



Original Poster:

12,055 posts

216 months

Saturday 4th June 2022
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Davie_GLA said:
Hopefully he has gone away but the old “I am bringing it back” for £300 is laughable. Let him come.

The horse world. Madness.
Yeah. God forbid that a trader actually does something to an item they have to prep it for sale and add value!

After all the thought I have put in to it I think he could use £50 of raptor liner sprayed on the roof and it would
Look like new, he could then chance his arm on a high price. There is a shortage of trailers now that they have taken away the trailer licence barrier.

Second Best

6,512 posts

191 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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Griffith4ever said:
I had someone try this on with a camper van I sold. Deposit paid, "I want it, I'll take it, price agreed, no questions".

His polish chap arrived, then tyre kicked and tried to get a discount. Told him to leave. He paid. Job done.
I know I'm late here but I had this exact experience selling an old Merc. Agreed a price, our friend arrived with an expert mechanic and spent 10 minutes sat on the drive changing between reverse and drive, when nothing untoward happened he declared the exhaust was blowing so he needed some money off.

Luckily I'd spoken to the "buyer" before and knew he'd travelled about half an hour, which at this time was rush hour pre-covid and would take at least double that to get back. I took a cigarette from the mechanic, clearly not an F1 senior engineer, waited to hear the lowball offer, and then said that wasn't the price, the deal's off, the M25 is that way, thanks for your time.

Took a few minutes before I got a knock on the door saying "I only have £1000" (was offered £850, agreed to sell at £1150). I said you can either bank transfer me the £150 or, there's a cashpoint 5 minutes away, go there and bring me a receipt back for £150 extra.

Amazingly the guy's bank managed to find the extra £150 and he drove away in the car, not very happy.

A few days later I took the service history, spare key, and some other bits for the car to the tip. Shredded, burned, scrapped. Petty? Yes. Necessary? No. Legal? Yes, I never brought those things up in the ad. My favourite part of this? I checked the MOT as it was due about 6 months after. The car has contaminated fluids. I wonder how that happened when I was bargaining with the seller and the "mechanic" was nosing around the car...

[edited for grammar]

poo at Paul's

14,382 posts

185 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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I too had a guy agree a price for a mk2 golf with a rather special engine in that I’d built, then try welch on the deal. Rare motor, basically a long block Digiifsnt 2l engine, indistinguishable from the stock 1.8. He was a racer in the golf challenge that needed stock engine capacity, you can see where this is going
So he is coming from down south, 3 hours and needs to come early as he has a wedding later thst day. So I say ok, just come anytime, just ring me 30 mins before so I am up.
On the day, no call, but 545am I hear a trailer rattling down street….
I get up, go down, have keys ready, annoyingly it had sprung a PAS leak the day before and I’d spent all day getting a new hose made up and fitted, but all good.
We’d agreed 1800 quid, so he suddenly says he’d bought a 16v the day before and it was only 1100 quid, so suddenly he offers me 900 quid. I knew where it was going, and wasn’t having it, so
I never said anything, just locked it up, turned went back in, locked the house and went back to bed.
Cue 15 mins him knocking on door, calling me, saying sorry, he’d pay 1800 etc etc etc, I just ignored him and eventually he fked off.

The deal had been agreed between me and him direct, but brokered by a mutual acquaintance who knew I had this rather special motor in this car. Of course all the spiel had been how he was building a road car and wanted to use some race tuning bits he had on it, although this motor was already at full wack really, making 165hp from an 8V
But of course, I hear about a year later he’d been kicked out of the championship for running a bigger engine in his race car.

Some people are just aholes, no matter how nice they seem over the phone etc and what they agree too. They try it on with everyone, and only a few have to bite and it’s worth them being an arse in their mind. So the only way to deal with them is to not entertain it at all, IMHO and let them just fk off.


Original Poster:

12,055 posts

216 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
quotequote all
poo at Paul's said:
I too had a guy agree a price for a mk2 golf with a rather special engine in that I’d built, then try welch on the deal. Rare motor, basically a long block Digiifsnt 2l engine, indistinguishable from the stock 1.8. He was a racer in the golf challenge that needed stock engine capacity, you can see where this is going
So he is coming from down south, 3 hours and needs to come early as he has a wedding later thst day. So I say ok, just come anytime, just ring me 30 mins before so I am up.
On the day, no call, but 545am I hear a trailer rattling down street….
I get up, go down, have keys ready, annoyingly it had sprung a PAS leak the day before and I’d spent all day getting a new hose made up and fitted, but all good.
We’d agreed 1800 quid, so he suddenly says he’d bought a 16v the day before and it was only 1100 quid, so suddenly he offers me 900 quid. I knew where it was going, and wasn’t having it, so
I never said anything, just locked it up, turned went back in, locked the house and went back to bed.
Cue 15 mins him knocking on door, calling me, saying sorry, he’d pay 1800 etc etc etc, I just ignored him and eventually he fked off.

The deal had been agreed between me and him direct, but brokered by a mutual acquaintance who knew I had this rather special motor in this car. Of course all the spiel had been how he was building a road car and wanted to use some race tuning bits he had on it, although this motor was already at full wack really, making 165hp from an 8V
But of course, I hear about a year later he’d been kicked out of the championship for running a bigger engine in his race car.

Some people are just aholes, no matter how nice they seem over the phone etc and what they agree too. They try it on with everyone, and only a few have to bite and it’s worth them being an arse in their mind. So the only way to deal with them is to not entertain it at all, IMHO and let them just fk off.
I like your style. I would have taken the 1800 and hope he had learned his lesson.

Boosted LS1

21,198 posts

270 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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I'd have charged him £2k for his cheek.


5,242 posts

163 months

Sunday 12th June 2022
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He’ll have sold it at Appleby horse fair by now.


1,793 posts

160 months

Thursday 15th September 2022
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Caddyshack said:
poo at Paul's said:
I too had a guy agree a price for a mk2 golf with a rather special engine in that I’d built, then try welch on the deal. Rare motor, basically a long block Digiifsnt 2l engine, indistinguishable from the stock 1.8. He was a racer in the golf challenge that needed stock engine capacity, you can see where this is going
So he is coming from down south, 3 hours and needs to come early as he has a wedding later thst day. So I say ok, just come anytime, just ring me 30 mins before so I am up.
On the day, no call, but 545am I hear a trailer rattling down street….
I get up, go down, have keys ready, annoyingly it had sprung a PAS leak the day before and I’d spent all day getting a new hose made up and fitted, but all good.
We’d agreed 1800 quid, so he suddenly says he’d bought a 16v the day before and it was only 1100 quid, so suddenly he offers me 900 quid. I knew where it was going, and wasn’t having it, so
I never said anything, just locked it up, turned went back in, locked the house and went back to bed.
Cue 15 mins him knocking on door, calling me, saying sorry, he’d pay 1800 etc etc etc, I just ignored him and eventually he fked off.

The deal had been agreed between me and him direct, but brokered by a mutual acquaintance who knew I had this rather special motor in this car. Of course all the spiel had been how he was building a road car and wanted to use some race tuning bits he had on it, although this motor was already at full wack really, making 165hp from an 8V
But of course, I hear about a year later he’d been kicked out of the championship for running a bigger engine in his race car.

Some people are just aholes, no matter how nice they seem over the phone etc and what they agree too. They try it on with everyone, and only a few have to bite and it’s worth them being an arse in their mind. So the only way to deal with them is to not entertain it at all, IMHO and let them just fk off.
I like your style. I would have taken the 1800 and hope he had learned his lesson.
Well done Poo at Pauls, i do the same thing if we agree a price for something and you barter - you can do one, and at work i increase the price every time they talk. too many chancers out there