Sell a Caterham to me on its SAFETY MERITS(!!!!)

Sell a Caterham to me on its SAFETY MERITS(!!!!)



2,159 posts

260 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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It would be interesting to get crash statistics for Caterfields - like the EuroNCAP tests.

I'd be willing to bet that they are surprisingly strong, with a structural rollcage and spaceframe chassis.


6,437 posts

265 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Agree with many of the points here.
Would add a couple more.

Get a Bright yellow/ white one.

These cars are so low to the ground that they can be difficult for high seated drivers to see.

Also, I always were a crash helmet for medium long distance motorway drives.... I know you look like a twonk, but if there is an accident in front or on the other side of the road, flying glass can be very hazardous, and the tiny windscreens wont protect you very well.


12,904 posts

271 months

Friday 5th September 2003
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probaly the best advice is go for a 'low' powered one to start with for a year or 2 then move to a faster model. do the IAM then RoSpa train yourself.

Town driving is hard work ie stop/goes as the clutch is heavier then most cars, so town driving whilst ok is not much fun. as a first 7, Go for the windscreen - you can always take it off.

You will love it. Get some good tyres ie Yoko 32r's etc be careful in the wet.

find a tunnel, cluch in...... ahhhhhh

ps FIA roll bar and 4 or 6 harness.

>> Edited by superlightr on Friday 5th September 20:22