Not enough pictures on this forum

Not enough pictures on this forum



Original Poster:

89 posts

194 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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So share some snaps of your Seven...

Here's a few shot I took of mine

With my Elan

Edited by MoPho on Sunday 7th February 05:21


1,078 posts

203 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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3,991 posts

246 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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3,701 posts

180 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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2,093 posts

250 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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559 posts

231 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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Edited by ForzaGilles on Monday 22 February 09:08

allen l

443 posts

185 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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For a second I thought I'd seen Forzagilles on the Ring last year. wink



19 posts

195 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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30 posts

214 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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748 posts

267 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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One of my favourites: Sideways out of Fradley at a very damp Curborough.


Original Poster:

89 posts

194 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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allen l said:
Do you put snow tires on it?

allen l

443 posts

185 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
quotequote all
Yeah, I've got Vredestein Snowtrac 3 tires for winter. I don't like to be forced to stay at home, so I'll leave them on till March.


Original Poster:

89 posts

194 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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Crazy, I would never consider driving mine in the snow, but then again, it doesn't snow here so can use the car year round tongue out


630 posts

228 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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354 posts

190 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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snapper seven

713 posts

221 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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Rossb - Ooh Dymags! Very nice! I was at Russell's last weekend funnily enough - what were you having done?

Also is that Terry's workshop? Was in there a couple of months ago and just astounded by the machinery!



some from me

Edited by snapper seven on Monday 22 February 21:07

Matt W

153 posts

245 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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My favourite pics of my car. Taken while sprinting at Anglesey.


92 posts

194 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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Edited by Krismuss on Monday 22 February 21:52


354 posts

190 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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Hello Chris! Hope you are well wavey


92 posts

194 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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Hi Vik, to chilly for me to venture out yet......brrrrrrr.....

See you at The Plough soon I hope.
