Astacus’ S3

Astacus’ S3



17,306 posts

193 months

Saturday 10th August 2024
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Astacus said:
So the repro arrived today,
Do you have a link to these please?

Do they feel/look like reasonable quality?


Original Poster:

3,524 posts

244 months

Monday 12th August 2024
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Here they are. The one I received was fine.


Original Poster:

3,524 posts

244 months

Monday 12th August 2024
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RayTVR said:
Top marks for persistence, a logical approach always gets there in the end.
It’s amazing how a few small
Successes give you the confidence ce to tackle bigger stuff once you get going


Original Poster:

3,524 posts

244 months

Tuesday 13th August 2024
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Next plan is to sort the central locking and radio and I am tempted to drive it to work now that I have more confidence in it

Edited by Astacus on Tuesday 13th August 13:27


Original Poster:

3,524 posts

244 months

Friday 27th September 2024
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Small victories!

The oil pressure gauge on the car has been behaving oddly for a few weeks. It reads rather high (around 90psi) but it is stable at that reading. Recently after the engine is properly warmed up, it drops to zero when the engine idles.

I wasn't convinced this was an engine issue and at first I thought perhaps the wrong grade oil had been used, but a bit of research on here indicated that the sender was likely the problem. Replacement senders are available from the usual suppliers, but not cheap. Generic senders appear to be available much cheaper, but require an additional earth. Being a nervous sort I went for the £80 version, that was direct replacement. It took less than 10 mins to swap them over. Now pressure is firm at about 50psi dropping to a bit less on idle. Result. The old sender seemed quite new but was a two post version, with no additional earth.

I took the car for my, by now, traditional blast round the by-pass to celebrate fixing stuff and stopped off at Sainsbury's to pick up bread. I dropped the hood to drive home and the rear window split. Sod it!

A young lad stopped me in the car park to ask what the car was. I told him all about it and he is now off to the web to look up TVRs. He'd never heard of them before. I suspect we have a new convert.

Fortunately I already have an appointment at All Hoods in Romford for a new hood next week end.

Small victories.