What’s this oojar

What’s this oojar



Original Poster:

3,476 posts

240 months

Friday 30th August
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Am I right in thinking this is some sort of fibre optic illumination distributor for the panel lights?

ETA yep I think it is and someone has changed the bulb for an LED.

Edited by Astacus on Friday 30th August 15:20


4,378 posts

288 months

Friday 30th August
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Rover SD1, DRC78, I replaced the LED for a standard bulb on my 280DH as the filament bulb spreads the light equally. A@


Original Poster:

3,476 posts

240 months

Friday 30th August
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Thanks Adrian, yes I wondered about that. The panel lights are a bit pathetic. LEDs don’t always do a good job.


1,070 posts

149 months

Friday 30th August
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Better solution is to ditch the fibre optic thingy and fit individual leds to the switches.


Original Poster:

3,476 posts

240 months

Friday 30th August
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That looks good.
I had my console out today and tidied up all the wiring. I rebound all the loom in fabric tape, fitted a (working) radio and got it all back together. Radio works but the aerial is now stuck in the up position rofl

It’s a very tight fit. I fitted a Blaupunkt retro-looking thing with DAB and phone. I actually had to radius the bottom corners of the head unit to get it all the way into the cradle.

Job for the weekend: fix the aerial and fit a DAB splitter.

Edited by Astacus on Saturday 31st August 08:56

Edited by Astacus on Saturday 31st August 10:39