OSF drain hose

OSF drain hose



Original Poster:

999 posts

169 months

Monday 30th September 2024
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I have a small rubber drain hose under the car just behind the wheel arch liner on the off side front wheel. Does anyone know where it originates from, I am not very mobile following a leg reconstruction operation in May so not able to climb under the car, else I'd investigate myself. I hope someone knows what this drain is for. Thanks.


469 posts

139 months

Monday 30th September 2024
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It's the expansion tank overflow. Connected just below the metal cap on the header tank.

For an infinite amount of advice on where the closed cap and the pressure control cap should be, just google:

header tank site: TVR S Series site:www.pistonheads.com

My view is that there should be a pressure control cap (with suction valve) on the swirl pot, and a sealed cap on the expansion tank. Other views are available.........


30,559 posts

293 months

Monday 30th September 2024
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mentall said:
It's the expansion tank overflow.
That's the only option that comes to mind, but I'd be surprised to see it piped to the wheel arch liner. Don't they usually just get strapped to the chassis under the swirl tank and drain directly below it?


17,302 posts

192 months

Tuesday 1st October 2024
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If it is indeed the overflow pipe ( can't think what else it could be) fill expansion tank to the very top, coolant should come out of the pipe, and the level drop slightly.


Original Poster:

999 posts

169 months

Thursday 17th October 2024
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it looked like brake or clutch fluid coming out, not water. I've had a new clutch, master and slave cylinder fitted recently, so wondered if it was linked to that. After a while it stopped coming out so I left it. Today I went out for a drive and the clutch failed, the pedal went to the floor with zero pressure. Pumping the clutch I managed to be it home as I was close. Interestingly the clutch reservoir is still full, which seems strange. I will try to bleed it over the next few days and see if it makes a difference. I assume you bleed it like you do for brakes?