V8S - smoking

V8S - smoking



Original Poster:

295 posts

247 months

Friday 4th October 2024
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Took the V8S out for a spin today- after fully warmed up, noticed when stationary steam coming from the dashboard/windscreen vents……
No loss of coolant, car running 💯, not overheating when stationary for 30 mins….
Gonna look 👀 behind dash for loose/split pipes over next couple of days….
But can everybody confirm heater pipe config? Or experienced this before…
No leaks on carpet or in car…..


17,305 posts

192 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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Have a look on the S Face Book Group, there's a guy having exactly the same issues wink


30,565 posts

293 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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The heater is a fug stirrer (it heats recirculated air).

If the air is very damp, it will condense out to fog as it cools. Is the interior very damp?

If the interior is generally dry, the dampness could be coming from water within the heater and ducts. I've never experienced water leaks into the heater ducting - not to say it's impossible, but it seems unlikely to me. Far more likely is that the heater matrix is leaking. In that case you might eventually notice damp carpets accompanied with a sweet smell if you park the car hot with the windows closed.


7,265 posts

228 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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Are you sure you are not loosing coolant?

As Pete says, most likely problem is wet carpets or moisture getting in somewhere and creating an area of dampness which turns to vapour when it gets hot. Windscreen pillars are well known for letting in water.

phillpot said:
..Have a look on the S Face Book Group, there's a guy having exactly the same issues wink
If he looks on here he might get the answer biglaugh


Original Poster:

295 posts

247 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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Evening - as stated above, running for 30 mins plus, temp never moved & when cold, all fluid at full levels.
No water coming from the washer nosel , I’ll check the pipe is not adrift….. I’ll let you all know