Green S3 G632 BBY black interior, anyone know it?

Green S3 G632 BBY black interior, anyone know it?



273 posts

134 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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A little more progress


10 posts

127 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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Looking good.


273 posts

134 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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More progress, engine in soon, just tidying engine bay, and sorting the wiring


273 posts

134 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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10 posts

127 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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Seeing the cooling fan reminds me of the only time the car broke down on me. Just outside Nice on a stinking hot day, part of the plastic holding the fan failed and the fan itself fell against the radiator. First sign of something was up, was steam. We were stuck in southern France for a few days waiting on a replacement.


Original Poster:

117 posts

180 months

Saturday 24th June 2023
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My old car. Looks like it’s last not ran out 2014, any updates?


10 posts

127 months

Saturday 12th October 2024
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My old car too (1992 - 1994). Here's a picture from 1992 with the original wheels. Some scumbag nicked them one night in 1993. I replaced with new ones purchased from The TVR Centre along with locking wheel nuts.