Caffeine and machine new venue...

Caffeine and machine new venue...



814 posts

99 months

Wednesday 4th October 2023
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the-norseman said:
Apparently the first picture of the bike in front of the building might get me told off, another Bobber owner has just messaged me to say he took a similar picture and then got a bking off somebody who works there (we had to cross the road to take the picture) and got threatened with a ban.
They’ve also been very firm on keeping pedestrians away from the main road. Only takes once pleb leaving like a tt and sliding into another pleb taking videos of it to become a massive ststorm.


3,354 posts

184 months

Wednesday 4th October 2023
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Yeah I think that's fair enough. They need a site that isn't straight next to a fast road IMO


13,764 posts

181 months

Wednesday 4th October 2023
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I understand what has been said, and understand the reason, there is however no signage at all on the building to say... dont take pictures here, maybe a few signs need to go up if they wish to enforce it.


3,927 posts

146 months

Wednesday 4th October 2023
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TopTrump said:
Yeah I think that's fair enough. They need a site that isn't straight next to a fast road IMO
It’s also quite a difficult place to pull out of safely, as the view is restricted, especially of traffic coming from the right.


200 posts

168 months

Thursday 5th October 2023
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I popped in today. It’s a decent place and I wish them luck.

Thought £55 for a printed T-shirt was a bit rich.


13,764 posts

181 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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MDubyaB said:
I popped in today. It’s a decent place and I wish them luck.

Thought £55 for a printed T-shirt was a bit rich.
Is that how much they are? I didnt look.


3,354 posts

184 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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The quality of the clothes there is very, very good. I've bought things for the kids there in the past.


13,995 posts

187 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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MDubyaB said:
I popped in today. It’s a decent place and I wish them luck.

Thought £55 for a printed T-shirt was a bit rich.
Ouch, that’s expensive.

I’ve had a few tees in the past when they were cheap. The quality wasn’t great and they were a slightly odd cut. I do like the sweats and hoodies though.


814 posts

99 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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Court_S said:
Ouch, that’s expensive.

I’ve had a few tees in the past when they were cheap. The quality wasn’t great and they were a slightly odd cut. I do like the sweats and hoodies though.
Yeah I’ve got a hoodie which is great. Also have a tee but as you say the fit is a bit odd and the fabric is very thin


3,009 posts

89 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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I noticed the same. Hoodies and sweats were very high quality and T-shirts seemed like they'd been made by Kleenex


200 posts

168 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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I didn’t actually pick one up, but the Ts didn’t look like the usual wafer thin offerings that shrink and twist with a machine wash. £55 is fairly punchy though.

I’ve been hearing they’ve been having staffing / food issues and people are beginning to grumble.

Anyone been lately? Trying to decide if I swing by again or wait until they’ve settled in more.


13,764 posts

181 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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I'm going to go back to the bowl with the missus but will go mid week days when its not busy.


19,305 posts

226 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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LewG went Wednesday with his Scout Ferret - pics here

I’m still yet to go as wanted to wait a few weeks. Will also go mid week at some point I guess.


13,995 posts

187 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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MDubyaB said:
I didn’t actually pick one up, but the Ts didn’t look like the usual wafer thin offerings that shrink and twist with a machine wash. £55 is fairly punchy though.

I’ve been hearing they’ve been having staffing / food issues and people are beginning to grumble.

Anyone been lately? Trying to decide if I swing by again or wait until they’ve settled in more.
I’ve still not been, the current reviews / whisperings are enough for me not to bother at the moment; the hill is closer so I’d rather go there.

I’m heading over to the Ignition place this weekend though.


3,009 posts

89 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Court_S said:
I’ve still not been, the current reviews / whisperings are enough for me not to bother at the moment; the hill is closer so I’d rather go there.

I’m heading over to the Ignition place this weekend though.
Reading the reviews it sounds to me like the paying to park thing is a mistake right now. It should be free for 12 months while they sort everything else out.


13,995 posts

187 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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AlexNJ89 said:
Reading the reviews it sounds to me like the paying to park thing is a mistake right now. It should be free for 12 months while they sort everything else out.
Quite possibly, I get it at the established original venue but maybe the not the new place.


Original Poster:

1,067 posts

242 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Went past the old ignition site today. I had to double take, so spun around and stopped by.
Nothing to do with ignition cars and coffee by the way.


19,305 posts

226 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Is it a Nail Bar??

I’ve booked for C&M The Bowl Mini meet tonight but having had a st typical Monday at work I’m not sure I have the energy. Will see in an hour or so.


Original Poster:

1,067 posts

242 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Gretchen said:
Is it a Nail Bar??

I’ve booked for C&M The Bowl Mini meet tonight but having had a st typical Monday at work I’m not sure I have the energy. Will see in an hour or so.
After your st day I suggest you go to the said nail bar and have a treatment, have a facial to. wink


19,305 posts

226 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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FezSpider said:
After your st day I suggest you go to the said nail bar and have a treatment, have a facial to. wink
Thanks Cupcake angel