Possible Dodgy Fuel

Possible Dodgy Fuel



Original Poster:

500 posts

171 months

Tuesday 20th January 2015
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Just wondering if anyone had issues with fuel quality from garage in Chippenham.

Chatting to my neighbour today who son owns a Porsche 997, it appears he filled up at a Petrol station in Chippenham yesterday and after leaving garage, car has broken down/running very badly. Recovery van arrives asking if he filled with diesel, it appears not. Car currently at Porsche in Swindon, tank has been drained waiting for tests on possible fuel contamination. Water maybe ?????

Hopefully it can be resolved but car is his daily driver and he is carless at the moment and I don't think he is on PH, so I thought I would ask around.


2,172 posts

158 months

Tuesday 20th January 2015
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If it helps I use petrol from the esso by john miller in two cars and don't have any troubles. What's the fuel station in question?


Original Poster:

500 posts

171 months

Tuesday 20th January 2015
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Frogwell Esso express by Sheldon Road I believe.


1,994 posts

22 months

Sunday 11th February 2024
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Looks like it is happening again at Sainsbury's in Chippenham this time.


You would have thought after the silicon in fuel debacle a few years back they would on top of this sort of thing but apparently not..


1,994 posts

22 months

Thursday 21st March 2024
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Looks this is still causing problems...
