Haynes Motor Museum - monthly meet. 1st Sun of Month

Haynes Motor Museum - monthly meet. 1st Sun of Month



Original Poster:

1,168 posts

149 months

Sunday 8th February 2015
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A link to photos/report of February's meet.
Thanks to Colin @ themotor.net



2,871 posts

284 months

Sunday 8th February 2015
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The SWPH guys are coming to 1st March, should be about 20 cars
Looking forward to it

I dont think his report will be so specific next month, as there will be too many cars !


514 posts

219 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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I was at the February meet with the Zeds. Good meet up. A bit far away from me to be a regular. Thoroughly recommend this though.

High flier

1,089 posts

186 months

Sunday 22nd February 2015
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1 week until the 2nd meet!

kellys hero

544 posts

259 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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I will be heading over from Bridgwater with my young lad for this one, he loves Haynes and it will be nice to take the car out for a spin. driving


Original Poster:

1,168 posts

149 months

Saturday 28th February 2015
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Forecast is looking 'O.K.' for Sunday.


4,585 posts

169 months

Saturday 28th February 2015
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I'll be there - only in the Audi though!


955 posts

211 months

Saturday 28th February 2015
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This is tomorrow? Might drag the car out of the garage


190 posts

178 months

Saturday 28th February 2015
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Think I might pop down as I have nothing planned smile


Original Poster:

1,168 posts

149 months

Thursday 5th March 2015
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Report/Photos of the March meet. Thanks to Colin @ www.themotor.net


955 posts

211 months

Friday 6th March 2015
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Good write up that, Colin must know a good amount about cars. Not too many people outside of the BMW E36 world know the full name for mine ha. See you next month (weather permitting)


2,871 posts

284 months

Sunday 8th March 2015
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alfaspecial said:
Report/Photos of the March meet. Thanks to Colin @ www.themotor.net
Clearly my noisy arrival of the SWPH crew, meant my car was not worthy of a photo ! in the mitsi section of 1!

Must of been when we popped to mcD's

Good write up tho, nice to read after the event

Stubby Pete

2,488 posts

255 months

Sunday 8th March 2015
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Haha, even mine got pictured. For the first time, stationary and not sideways!!


190 posts

178 months

Monday 9th March 2015
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I had to leave quite early on, looks like pre photos being taken as I was parked next to the unknown car! Is this going to happen next month still with it being a bank holiday?


1,610 posts

158 months

Tuesday 10th March 2015
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I have nothing special to drive but if the weather is good enough I shall be popping over for the next meet to have a nice look around.


3,606 posts

241 months

Wednesday 11th March 2015
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The unknown car is a Mini based kit car called a Blitz.


17,387 posts

212 months

Thursday 12th March 2015
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Midlifecrisis71 said:
The SWPH guys are coming to 1st March, should be about 20 cars
Looking forward to it

I dont think his report will be so specific next month, as there will be too many cars !
So might be a idea to get there 9ish rather than gone 11?


1,017 posts

292 months

Wednesday 18th March 2015
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I've only just seen this! Sounds great and I'll try to get along to the next one (and as many after that!) as I can.


17,387 posts

212 months

Sunday 22nd March 2015
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Anyone know when the next breakfast club is ?

I can't get the haynes website to load.

Ignore that , it's on the 12th.

Edited by egor110 on Sunday 22 March 09:51


1,315 posts

243 months

Friday 3rd April 2015
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?surely the first sunday is this sunday?