Stonehenge Tunnel


gareth h

3,841 posts

240 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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anonymous said:
Not sure it would improve traffic flow though, it’s a real pinch point, I think the desire is to eventually have dual carriageway from Amesbury to Exeter


42,529 posts

200 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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Blackpuddin said:
alfaspecial said:
We are told that there will be a ban on ICE vehicles in just 10 years time..... so the bulk of the noise issue will just have been taken care of by say 2035?
If the bright sparks at English Heritage have even considered this I would be amazed.
not sure I agree TBH - there are currently 35mill cars on the road and new registrations are 2.5mill per-annum, it'll take quite some time longer I suspect


17,682 posts

215 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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anonymous said:
Surely that's precisely what they DO want, they hate the fact that motorists get a free view as they slow down along that road for that exact purpose – and this is IMO what causes at least as much of the congestion there as the pinch from two lanes to one. They want to hide it so that you'll have to pay to see it.


7,458 posts

260 months

Wednesday 2nd December 2020
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Saleen836 said:
It's not far from me,can I tag along in my Mustang? hehe
Absolutely !

Fishy Dave

1,073 posts

255 months

Thursday 3rd December 2020
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Saleen836 said:
sgrimshaw said:
I've started the queue for the first TVR drive through .....
It's not far from me,can I tag along in my Mustang? hehe
Me too, in the Corvette! Selfishly the acoustics of a tunnel are the main reason I've hoped they would build this, the south west has always lacked a decent tunnel.


11,628 posts

219 months

Thursday 3rd December 2020
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Fishy Dave said:
Saleen836 said:
sgrimshaw said:
I've started the queue for the first TVR drive through .....
It's not far from me,can I tag along in my Mustang? hehe
Me too, in the Corvette! Selfishly the acoustics of a tunnel are the main reason I've hoped they would build this, the south west has always lacked a decent tunnel.
On a recent drive out down to West Bay I found a new route home which involves a tunnel! biggrin

Only a short one at approx 105m but long enough to enjoy the V8 along with supercharger whine driving


7,458 posts

260 months

Friday 4th December 2020
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Saleen836 said:
On a recent drive out down to West Bay I found a new route home which involves a tunnel! biggrin

Only a short one at approx 105m but long enough to enjoy the V8 along with supercharger whine driving
Beaminster Tunnel ?


31 posts

94 months

Friday 4th December 2020
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The obvious but unpopular solution would be to get rid of the useless stones and build a useful road.

the tribester

2,637 posts

96 months

Friday 4th December 2020
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As soon as they break ground, they'll come across the remains of another historic artifact/village/burial site, that will mean stopping work until it's all examined. That £2.4 billion budget figure will grow like the dome.


24,246 posts

240 months

Friday 4th December 2020
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I remember seeing the stones up close and touching them.

How much is it now to stand at a fence keeping you many many metres away? Seems pointless to me.


42,529 posts

200 months

Friday 4th December 2020
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croyde said:
I remember seeing the stones up close and touching them.

How much is it now to stand at a fence keeping you many many metres away? Seems pointless to me.
It's not cheap - went today on the early morning guided tour. £50 a head eek was it worth it? Objectively, no. Not at all! Subjectively, though, it wasn't not worth it either. That money goes towards English Heritage etc etc and the tour is interesting.


6,347 posts

103 months

Friday 4th December 2020
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gareth h said:
Not sure it would improve traffic flow though, it’s a real pinch point, I think the desire is to eventually have dual carriageway from Amesbury to Exeter
Perfect if they could do that, but I suspect we'll develop Star Trek style beaming technology quicker than upgrading it all to dual carriageway.


11,628 posts

219 months

Friday 4th December 2020
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sgrimshaw said:
Saleen836 said:
On a recent drive out down to West Bay I found a new route home which involves a tunnel! biggrin

Only a short one at approx 105m but long enough to enjoy the V8 along with supercharger whine driving
Beaminster Tunnel ?


18,755 posts

276 months

Monday 7th December 2020
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Saleen836 said:
sgrimshaw said:
Saleen836 said:
On a recent drive out down to West Bay I found a new route home which involves a tunnel! biggrin

Only a short one at approx 105m but long enough to enjoy the V8 along with supercharger whine driving
Beaminster Tunnel ?
I found that tunnel by accident when out in the TR6 – what joy!


1,350 posts

161 months

Saturday 31st July 2021
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Andddd progress has stopped again. The anti-progress mob have managed to drag it to the high court, and won. Millions more hours of productivity lost in the jams along there, not to mention the tax payers money disappearing down the drains.

The govt should be embarrassed; clearly an elementary mistake has been made somewhere.


21,643 posts

282 months

Saturday 31st July 2021
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It didn't represent progress in any way. It would have been a spectacular waste of money as a transport project, and it was a complete conceptual failure from start to finish from an archaeological perspective. It was an idiotic proposal. Thank god it has been torpedoed.


17,682 posts

215 months

Saturday 31st July 2021
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anonymous said:
Or something more natural. Nature can provide all the solutions here at a fraction of the cost.


17,746 posts

200 months

Saturday 31st July 2021
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anonymous said:
I think the rubber necking is vastly over estimated, people only “stop” to see it because they’re stuck in traffic caused by the constant single/dual carriageway changes.

Stuff a tunnel, find a better route for the road to the south west and use the money to build a proper road


42,529 posts

200 months

Saturday 31st July 2021
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Blackpuddin said:
anonymous said:
Or something more natural. Nature can provide all the solutions here at a fraction of the cost.
time - anything natural will take a considerable amount of time to provide decent screening


21,643 posts

282 months

Saturday 31st July 2021
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MiniMan64 said:
anonymous said:
I think the rubber necking is vastly over estimated, people only “stop” to see it because they’re stuck in traffic caused by the constant single/dual carriageway changes.

Stuff a tunnel, find a better route for the road to the south west and use the money to build a proper road