Independant car hire Ilfracombe or similar

Independant car hire Ilfracombe or similar



Original Poster:

13,592 posts

243 months

Sunday 1st September 2024
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Can anyone recommend a decent indie car hire company around Ilfracombe or Barnstaple area?
Not needed till next summer but want to get out booked up.
Ideally a smallish auto (corsa sized)


5,134 posts

215 months

Monday 2nd September 2024
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Zippee said:
Can anyone recommend a decent indie car hire company around Ilfracombe or Barnstaple area?
Not needed till next summer but want to get out booked up.
Ideally a smallish auto (corsa sized)
The only independent one locally is Badger in Barnstaple -

However I tend to use Enterprise