Old school auto electrician/engineering firm?

Old school auto electrician/engineering firm?



Original Poster:

4,648 posts

231 months

Tuesday 17th September 2024
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I need my cooling fans rebuilt, they are 35 years old, as are any used parts available and I've had to fail now. New fans don't really fit the shrouds well, or not without some heath robinsoning but they are pennies really. New from Porsche, they are not.
So it just needs bearings, brushes etc to make it new again. There is a break down on Rennlist but I don't have a lot of spare time and it's not my field. I'd enjoy the challenge but I'l like it done properly at this point.
So anyone know of such a firm in the area ideally but I could post it.


5,172 posts

221 months

Sunday 29th September 2024
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Speak to J, if he can’t/wont he’ll know someone who can..


Original Poster:

4,648 posts

231 months

Sunday 29th September 2024
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thumbup thankyou Sir