Nempnett Thrubwell



Original Poster:

21,189 posts

254 months

Sunday 1st February 2004
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Most memorable place for a South West meet?

zz top

535 posts

253 months

Sunday 1st February 2004
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gaston said:
Most memorable place for a South West meet?
Who is this Nempnett Thrubwell, and what does she look like? I knew a Nimphett once, wore me out.....zz


62 months

Sunday 1st February 2004
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used it as a road rally check point once, roads are a tad narrow though there is a really good pub just south of the place, i think its called the white hart, but most pubs seem to be round these parts......


6,316 posts

264 months

Sunday 1st February 2004
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pablo said:
used it as a road rally check point once, roads are a tad narrow though there is a really good pub just south of the place, i think its called the white hart, but most pubs seem to be round these parts......

Snap.. So did I when I was part of BUMC.. That was *cough cough* a couple of years ago..

I was co-driver/navigator of the infamous MkII Escort that the MOD wanted to blow up one night as it was suspected of being a bomb. Oh happy days..