Bristol Mini Meet #2 (09/03/04)

Bristol Mini Meet #2 (09/03/04)



Original Poster:

18,755 posts

276 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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OK... last night we decided to do this again next month, and so to get the ball rolling I'm suggesting Tuesday the 9th March - drinks at the the pub on the corner by the Arches whose name temporaily eludes me (but where Mechsympathy claims "the tottie is better") followed by curry at the Sheesh Mahal.

Edited to say that the pub is called the Prince of Wales. I think. God knows I've been in there often enough that I ought to know.

>>> Edited by yertis on Wednesday 11th February 17:09


22,612 posts

271 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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I'll be there.



30 posts

255 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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Defo putting that in the diary....gutted i couldn't make it last night , work commitments and all !!

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

278 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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Right, it's in the diary.


64 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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oooooo curry! should be able to make this bar fire, flood or forgetfulness! the chilli chicken really is very good!


54,928 posts

265 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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That's my wedding anniversary, and while the wife is coming to accept PH I'm afraid that that might be pushing my luck. I'm planning to go to the Sheesh Mahal, but I expect to be told otherwise


30 posts

253 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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Now were talking, could well be up for that!
2 weeks later ill be at the ring. Yehaaaaaaaa


Original Poster:

18,755 posts

276 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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mechsympathy said:
That's my wedding anniversary, and while the wife is coming to accept PH I'm afraid that that might be pushing my luck. I'm planning to go to the Sheesh Mahal, but I expect to be told otherwise

Surely the promise of a curry at the Sheesh is good enough for any anniversary?


Original Poster:

18,755 posts

276 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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Good lord - if it carries on like this we'll have to book the restaurant. I'll warn them a couple of days beforehand...


5,297 posts

253 months

Monday 16th February 2004
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I'll be there for a beer!



22,612 posts

271 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2004
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Just a reminder, this is next tuesday.

I'm still up for the meet, shall we say 7.30pm at the Prince of Wales pub, by The Arches on Gloucester Road?

Can people please cofirm:
1 - Attendance, Yeah or Nay.
2 - Curry or not to curry later on? that is the question.


>> Edited by dazren on Wednesday 3rd March 10:19


54,928 posts

265 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2004
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Yeah!! Curry

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

278 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Sadly I have to send apologies. Bloody clients...


Original Poster:

18,755 posts

276 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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I'll be there, of course...


5,297 posts

253 months

Tuesday 9th March 2004
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Work - don't ya just love it??! I am afraid I will have to pass on this one as I have just been sent on a trip

Have a great evening and see you at the next one!



12,058 posts

274 months

Tuesday 9th March 2004
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Bollox, how could i forget. Book me in for the next one though.


Original Poster:

18,755 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th March 2004
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You missd a good curry too. Although as Daz pointed out the chuntney selection was weak. Glen was right about the talent in the PoW though.


22,612 posts

271 months

Thursday 11th March 2004
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May have to do a curry at a place I know in Hotwells at a later date. We can still do a pub meet over on Gloucester Road before hand (I'll probably drive the barge so can drop the Glos Road Massif back after the curry)



5,297 posts

253 months

Thursday 11th March 2004
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yertis said:
Glen was right about the talent in the PoW though.

Snigger - I am pleased it met with your approval

So when is the next one?



Original Poster:

18,755 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th March 2004
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Maybe during the week after the skid-pan do? just a thought.