D&C TVRCC meet 7th March Run to Bideford

D&C TVRCC meet 7th March Run to Bideford



352 posts

277 months

Saturday 6th March 2004
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He hasn't got that much hair left


95 posts

291 months

Saturday 6th March 2004
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Going bald is the knowledge that grows out of the brain!

Beats Grecian 2000


95 posts

291 months

Saturday 6th March 2004
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Message for zz its a T for crying out loud.Cant do without me fresh air.

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Saturday 6th March 2004
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wyatt said:
Message for zz its a T for crying out loud.Cant do without me fresh air.
Humble appologies. It's a "T" ..zz


1,938 posts

259 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Just a quick thank you to the d&c tvrcc for letting me tag along. Great bunch of people and look forward to the next run. hope you all had a good drive.
See you soon.


95 posts

291 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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It was a pleasure top cat.22 of Blackpools finest.


3,519 posts

259 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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A good turn out indeed.

For the remainder we left in Westward Ho!, hope you had a good run back.

We had a cracking trip back down the A377 to Exeter. A lovely twisty bit of road, with only a few slower cars to hold us up... which of course were soon dispatched in suitable fashion

See ya'll again soon!


1,938 posts

259 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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I look forward to the photos. will they be on the TVRCC website or elsewhere?

just trouble

700 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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_topcat said:
I look forward to the photos. will they be on the TVRCC website or elsewhere?

Hello topcat.Nice to catch up with you today shame you couldn't stay, maybe next time.I have just finished posting the pic's that people have sent to me and they are on the D&C web page. Cheers JT


2,190 posts

279 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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just trouble said:

I have just finished posting the pic's that people have sent to me and they are on the D&C web page. Cheers JT

Nice piccies!
Looks like a top day out and I wish had been with you all.

Corin Denton

8,759 posts

278 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Just had a look too, that Mexico is superb!!

>> Edited by Corin Denton on Monday 8th March 06:29


352 posts

277 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Hats off to Dave another excellent day. Club is going from strength to strength. Great run out to Bideford, even better run back to Plymouth across the Moors. Looking forward to Mothers day. Easy on the pedal Dave.

>> Edited by jwt63 on Sunday 7th March 23:26


Original Poster:

219 posts

264 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Hi Chaps,

Glad you all had a good day, pictures look great on the website(nice one Nick). Sorry I couldn't be there (doctors orders) but look forward to the next meet.

Dave I know you have taken a bit of stick about the car but it looks fantastic, I understand Vidal Sassoon has also ordered one in the same colour, but he'll get a tax disc ...... Well you pay that bit extra what do you expect.

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Nice one boy's looks like you had a fantastic day out on the Bideford run. Moving mountains to get out on the 21st March,to do a Pirate Run,lunching at The Jamaca Inn,then onto Wadebridge ,Padstow,and finally afternoon tea at the Headland Hotel in Newquay.. See General Gassing Forum..zz


80 posts

280 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Enjoyed run out, I had pleasure of A377 on my way to meet up. I was a bit late, but just in time to catch you all coming out of services. The rumble through Torrington must have shaken a few slates off I dont know if I am the only TVR club member driving a westie but if my son has anything to do with it, (he's in the pics!) I'll be back in the fold at some stage.
hope to meet up again