TVRCC--"Pirate Run-"-21st March 04

TVRCC--"Pirate Run-"-21st March 04


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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Here we go again, just been approved by Wyatt we're heading for the WEST COAST. For those around the Plymouth area, we meet at Endsleigh Garden Center at 10:00am, then onto The Jamaca Inn at Bolventor via Saltash tunnel and Callington arriving around 11:30--12:00.for lunch. About 2:00pm we head off for Camelford, Wadebridge, Padstow then stop at the Headland Hotel, Newquay for an afternoon beer.ALL WELCOME. For those outside the Plymouth area, make sure you get to lunch and the run afterwards.zz


219 posts

264 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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All being well (and if the back is sorted) Karen and I will meet you at The Jamaica inn .

>> Edited by honestfreddie on Monday 8th March 21:30

>> Edited by honestfreddie on Monday 8th March 21:31

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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honestfreddie said:
All being well (and if the back is sorted) Karen and I will meet you at The Jamaica inn .

>> Edited by honestfreddie on Monday 8th March 21:30

>> Edited by honestfreddie on Monday 8th March 21:31
Cool,i like the "legend" Honest Freddie is back in business.. Looking forward to seeing you both..zz


219 posts

264 months

Friday 12th March 2004
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Mmmmm going a bit slow on takers for this one zz, I think we need to WAKE UP WYATT

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Friday 12th March 2004
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A lot of people are taking their mothers out being Mothering Sunday. What's wrong with strapping them in a tiv for a burn up to the Jamaca Inn for Sunday lunch and then a cruise down the coast to Newquay for an afternoon cream tea? With the top down and wind in their hair, it will be like the good ol'e days. May wanna do it more often... Wake up WYATT get on the or the GANG..zz


352 posts

277 months

Saturday 13th March 2004
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Not going to make 21st. What's happening next?


219 posts

264 months

Sunday 14th March 2004
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jwt63 said:
Not going to make 21st. What's happening next?

Hi John, Hope you're well. The next meet is a run to Bovington Tank Museum meeting up with Bristol region Dorset and Somerset on the 4th April. More deatails to follow.

>> Edited by honestfreddie on Sunday 14th March 11:06

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Sunday 14th March 2004
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Spoke to Wyatt yesterday, 6 cars so far attending with a further 4 possibles. Spoke to the Jamaca Inn who can accommodate 200 for lunch,(best tell Wyatt that for the future!!!)Cheers..zz


3,519 posts

259 months

Sunday 14th March 2004
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Put me down as another possible. Haven't really thought next weekend through yet, but if I'm free (and the Mrs) we'll come along with the V8S.

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Sunday 14th March 2004
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pstruck said:
Put me down as another possible. Haven't really thought next weekend through yet, but if I'm free (and the Mrs) we'll come along with the V8S.
Well done Pete, Wyatt thought you both might want to come along.Will be good to see you..zz

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Friday 19th March 2004
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Looks like we will be rocking and rolling on Sunday...Checked the Jamaca Inn today ,plenty of room for lunch. Looking forward to seeing you all...zz

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Sunday 21st March 2004
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For those of you who decided to stay at home missed an asbsolute "BLINDER"today. When we arrived at Endsleigh there were two Boxter"S" types and two chims. At the Jamaca Inn we were joined by an 1600M,a 500 griff and another chim.After lunch we headed off to Newquay via Wadebridge(when we were joined by another chim),Padstow and that fantastic west coast road.Photo shoot at the Headland Hotel,Newquay, under clear blue skies and a raging 15" surf in the background.Roast lunch, cream tea in the afternoon,it was difficult to find the energy for the 60 mile trip home.Thanks alot guys for your tremendous support for the D&Ctvrcc and as for our RO, sorry you weren't well but we all agreed that a LARGE CORK placed in the correct orifice would have eased the problem! Cheers dudes..zz


1,938 posts

259 months

Sunday 21st March 2004
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Thanks for the mention ZZ, wish we could have done the whole trip. Next time, all being well. Your Grff sounds amazing by the way. Im scouring the ads!!
See you all on the next outing.

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Monday 22nd March 2004
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TOPCAT great to see you. Sorry we didnt give you too much of a burn up but was wary of Mr Plods presence. Cheers dude..zz


95 posts

291 months

Monday 22nd March 2004
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I dont think the cork would have worked more like a pair of Pampers Nappies.

One hell of a way of loosing weight.

Well done ZZ the makings of an RO.

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Original Poster:

536 posts

255 months

Tuesday 23rd March 2004
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WYATT said:
Well done ZZ the makings of an RO.
Theirs only ONE Wyatt Earp and he's the sheriff in these regions ..zz