Devon & Cornwall Slapton Fish Run

Devon & Cornwall Slapton Fish Run



Original Poster:

95 posts

291 months

Tuesday 6th April 2004
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Saturday April 10th Meet Up at Safeway Superstore Totnes 11am for a run to Dartmouth on that fantastic coast road then onto Slapton for lunch leaving those Eggs behind


Original Poster:

95 posts

291 months

Tuesday 6th April 2004
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For those travelling down from East Devon.Meet up at Granada Services Exeter 9-30am.

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Tuesday 6th April 2004
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Yahooooooo, Im up for some of that. A roar through Dartmouth will wake up some of those "old timers" and then onto the Start Bay Inn at Slapton for large cod and chips [ its where Rick Stein goes ].....Is this a dream or fantasy?.Count me and HotLips in..zz

just trouble

700 posts

264 months

Tuesday 6th April 2004
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zz top said:
Yahooooooo, Im up for some of that. A roar through Dartmouth will wake up some of those "old timers" and then onto the Start Bay Inn at Slapton for large cod and chips [ its where Rick Stein goes ].....Is this a dream or fantasy?.Count me and HotLips in..zz

Hey zz can we take the lower ferry and load it up with TIV's then rumble through Dartmouth turning a few heads then taking that great coast road past Blackpool Sands and villages on to Slapton for the fish and chips?

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Tuesday 6th April 2004
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just trouble said:

zz top said:
Yahooooooo, Im up for some of that. A roar through Dartmouth will wake up some of those "old timers" and then onto the Start Bay Inn at Slapton for large cod and chips [ its where Rick Stein goes ].....Is this a dream or fantasy?.Count me and HotLips in..zz

Hey zz can we take the lower ferry and load it up with TIV's then rumble through Dartmouth turning a few heads then taking that great coast road past Blackpool Sands and villages on to Slapton for the fish and chips?
JT great idea, what a great photo shoot that would be, provided the ferry don't sink!!!..zz


3,519 posts

259 months

Tuesday 6th April 2004
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Excellent! Count me in.

I'll go for the earlier meet at Exeter services.
I can almost taste the fish and chips already!


Original Poster:

95 posts

291 months

Wednesday 7th April 2004
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Where is Honest Freddie?

Has he been called back to the Senior Service?

Or does he not like Fish.

just trouble

700 posts

264 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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WYATT said:
Where is Honest Freddie?

Has he been called back to the Senior Service?

Or does he not like Fish.

What do you mean, Honest Freddie IS a fish,he drinks like one
Freddie is away on a course this week and has no access to PH.

>> Edited by just trouble on Thursday 8th April 07:53


352 posts

277 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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Down in Italy and won't be back till Saturday evening, Peninsular have mine at present, gave me a Smart car to drive around in.

just trouble

700 posts

264 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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Morning jwt63. Sorry you cant make it but hey someone has got to live it up in Italy.See you at the next meet, ciao

>> Edited by just trouble on Thursday 8th April 07:58


7,458 posts

260 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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Sounds like fun. Wife likes the sound of the fish and chips!

Weather permitting I'd love to come along, just checked the forecast and it's looking reasonable

Do you tend to meet at a particular spot in the services at Exeter?



3,519 posts

259 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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Don't worry Simon, you'll see us (or hear us!).

We usually congregate at the very top of the services car-park. The first bit you come to on your right as you drive in.

Be good to see you and the Purple (sorry, Rolex Blue) Devil!

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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jwt63 said:
Down in Italy and won't be back till Saturday evening, Peninsular have mine at present, gave me a Smart car to drive around in.
JWT, you lucky, lucky bast**d..................... Not the fact that your in Italy but..........having a SMART car on loan... ...zz

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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Its ok for you Wyatt now you've got a hard one....but when the showers come on Saturday, those of us with soft one's, will have to pull them up!!......zz

just trouble

700 posts

264 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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zz top said:
Its ok for you Wyatt now you've got a hard one....but when the showers come on Saturday, those of us with soft one's, will have to pull them up!!......zz

Hey zz I have had the nod and YOUR weather man on SKY said it would be cloudy but dry. But heck what the hell I always say it's the company that counts and judging from previous meets we don't care, bring it on cos it's ALWAYS good

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Friday 9th April 2004
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JT..I couldn't have said that any better ...See you tomorrow..zz

just trouble

700 posts

264 months

Friday 9th April 2004
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Hey zz just checked the net for an upto date weather forecast and there is going to be blue skies with broken cloud,so hoods down and BIG grin on.

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Friday 9th April 2004
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just trouble said:
Hey zz just checked the net for an upto date weather forecast and there is going to be blue skies with broken cloud,so hoods down and BIG grin on.
Better be , just spent 4 hours cleaning her inside and out ,[ thats the griff i mean!!!]..zz

just trouble

700 posts

264 months

Friday 9th April 2004
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zz top said:

just trouble said:
Hey zz just checked the net for an upto date weather forecast and there is going to be blue skies with broken cloud,so hoods down and BIG grin on.

Better be , just spent 4 hours cleaning her inside and out ,[ thats the griff i mean!!!]..zz

zz you have far too much time to occupy than you know what is good for you but [I know what you mean]

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Friday 9th April 2004
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JT We seem to go online around the same time....Kate watching Corri?..zz