Devon & Cornwall Slapton Fish Run

Devon & Cornwall Slapton Fish Run



80 posts

280 months

Friday 9th April 2004
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Weather looking good for tomorrow(well not raining!), so thought I would take the westie down to totnes. Is the safeway store easy to find? Drive from up here on the north coast should sharpen the appetite for those cod and chips

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Friday 9th April 2004
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djburns said:
Weather looking good for tomorrow(well not raining!), so thought I would take the westie down to totnes. Is the safeway store easy to find? Drive from up here on the north coast should sharpen the appetite for those cod and chips
DJ.. as you come into Totnes you will see a Safeway petrol station near a roundabout. Go round the roundabout, heading for the town centre and the superstore is on the lhs. See you tomorrow..zz


219 posts

264 months

Saturday 10th April 2004
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WYATT said:
Where is Honest Freddie?

Has he been called back to the Senior Service?

Or does he not like Fish.

Hi all, I love fish Dave, but for the next few weeks I'm on my Chipsaway Training so no rest for me. Hope you all have a great day out, and I hope it stays dry for those with 'real' sports cars .

Hope to see you all soon. I like the Senior Service bit, obviously the trip to Bovington tank museum last week brought you back to your senses.

zz YHM


1,938 posts

259 months

Saturday 10th April 2004
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Well i tried to make it to you guys but the traffic was so busy with stupid bloody grockles that when the journey had taken me 45mins to get to totnes( ususlly 10mins) and then I made it into the carpark where i met corin, i thought i would carry on going. however it then took me 10 mins to leave the car park because totnes was gridlocked. i then thought i would go out to the A38 and on up to peninsula. This took 30 mins aswell. BLOODY GROCKLES!!! i have decided to retire the car for the summer due to the muppets on the road winding me up so much!!!!
Hope you all have a good time and hope you made it there with out too much trouble.


23,018 posts

271 months

Saturday 10th April 2004
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Well I got the shopping done in Safeway, sorry I wasn't able to follow you all to Dartmouth, but Joe only had the one bottle with him!

Enjoyed it, any excuse for a run out. Joe enjoyed it too. He's sleeping like a baby now (hardly surprising really!).

See you all next time.


3,519 posts

259 months

Saturday 10th April 2004
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Great day out!

Cracking fish and chips, cracking ice-cream and not as much traffic as I was expecting - brilliant.
The rain held off almost until we got home, but having said that we both have very red faces, so must have caught the sun somewhere earlier!

Might not be able to make the meet next Sunday, but catch up with you guys again soon (Wiscombe maybe?).


80 posts

280 months

Saturday 10th April 2004
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sorry missed what sounds like a good day out, work got in the way ,managed quick run over exmoor this pm though . hope I can catch up again

zz top

536 posts

255 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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Hey guy's, what a great day out. Well done Wyatt for running a memorable event. Nice to see some guy's and girl's we havn't seen for long time.....Simon and Helen, John and son, Paul and Sally, Simon and his good lady, Pete and his good lady and of course Corin and Richard, along with the usual "motley" crew,[ missed you honest and mrs freddie].10 cars at one stage ripping up the tarmac along Slapton Straight. Gotta say one thing though... Those fish and chips were something else!!! When my "large" portion of cod arrived hanging over the edge of the plate, i thought i would struggle to finish, but when Corin and his mate ordered and ate the JUMBO ,[two large pieces of cod] i couldn't believe my eyes. Mind you, after they had finished the lot they did post the slowest time down the straight!!![only joking]. Great day out guys, gotta do that again sometime...zz

>> Edited by zz top on Sunday 11th April 10:17


7,458 posts

260 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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I'll echo the two previous posts - GREAT DAY OUT

Pete - I know what you mean about catching the sun. Who would have thought it - sunburnt in April!!

We're still laughing at the group of lads who saluted our convoy as we entered Kingsbridge - class moment!

In fact got some great memories of the day ..
... the high speed run up Holden Hill in the morning
... causing havoc in Totnes Town Centre
... frightening the farmer and his cows (oops!)
... stopping all the games of tennis on the way into Dartmouth
... blatting along the coast road at Slapton (no more than 60 of course Mr E)
... the saluting lads in Kingsbridge
... The ice cream !!!

Altogether, truely a Fine Day Out.

Many thanks to Wyatt and zztop for organising and planning the route.
