Sunday 1st - Run out

Sunday 1st - Run out



6,316 posts

264 months

Wednesday 4th February 2004
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chim_girl said:

burriana500 in an alarmed tone said:
Eh! What? Did I?

Whoops, I had naturally assumed the good ideas came from the creative department not the management consultants. Sorry Simon

Actually the preliminary design work was carried out by the creative department, I just refined the strategy. The fact that the implementation of one of the key deliverables, (photoshoot) was buggered up I am sure was due to user error.

Or something.. Sorry, only just home and have had a day of speaking fluent bo11ox @ work


Original Poster:

6,268 posts

267 months

Wednesday 4th February 2004
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Psychobert said:
Actually the preliminary design work was carried out by the creative department, I just refined the strategy. The fact that the implementation of one of the key deliverables, (photoshoot) was buggered up I am sure was due to user error.

Or something.. Sorry, only just home and have had a day of speaking fluent bo11ox @ work

you're very fluent..


6,316 posts

264 months

Wednesday 4th February 2004
quotequote all
chim_girl said:

Or something.. Sorry, only just home and have had a day of speaking fluent bo11ox @ work

you're very fluent.. [/quote]

I'm not sure I'm happy to know that..


11,352 posts

272 months

Wednesday 4th February 2004
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I bet your a storm at bullshit bingo