Convoy spotted



Original Poster:

1,881 posts

140 months

Wednesday 21st August 2019
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Leaving Aberystwyth heading towards Devil's Bridge the other day, I got followed by a nice little convoy of a Mustang, 911 and a fast Ford of some sort. They were obviously struggling to keep up with me in my family-and-holiday-gear laden CR-V so I took pity on them and pulled into a lay-by to let them past. I got a nice flash of the hazards from the leading Mustang for getting out of the way. Surprisingly I never managed to catch them up again smile Anyone on here?


3,733 posts

216 months

Wednesday 21st August 2019
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Not me, but it's where I went to Uni. A really great drive.
Used to start in the Reading M4 area, and head up the A419/A417 and through Hereford .. just used to get better and better as the drive went on.

This was the late 90s though. I bet the traffic is worse now.