Location identification needed!

Location identification needed!



Original Poster:

4,326 posts

240 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
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I dug up an old photo that was taken somewhere in North Wales. It must be a well known location, but I've no recollection of where it was ! Can someone enlighten me ?


14,376 posts

127 months


Original Poster:

4,326 posts

240 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
quotequote all
Thank you...


2,398 posts

109 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
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Always impressive how quickly things get answered on here that aren't anything to do with cars!


4,357 posts

217 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
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WonkeyDonkey said:
Always impressive how quickly things get answered on here that aren't anything to do with cars!
Yes, wonderful isn't it.


6,522 posts

204 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
quotequote all
WonkeyDonkey said:
Always impressive how quickly things get answered on here that aren't anything to do with cars!
Indeed, but in this case a Google image search would have worked!