V8 Superdrive voucher available

V8 Superdrive voucher available



Original Poster:

87 posts

159 months

Friday 2nd August 2024
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I realise this is slightly niche but I bought a V8 Superdrive voucher to drive a V8 Supercar just outside Christchurch on my honeymoon (coming from the UK). As it turns out I hadn't read the website properly and the date I had planned to do it wasn't available and the company does not offer refunds.

As such I'm looking to sell it on, it cost me $525 and am looking for $400. If you're interested please message me.

I'm struggling to find somewhere to sell it so if anyone else has recommendations please let me know, would quite like to recoup some of the cost and not waste $525!


200 posts

55 months

Saturday 3rd August 2024
quotequote all
Try listing it on Trademe, which is a New Zealand auction/sales site.