NZ Spotted...



2,190 posts

277 months

Friday 21st February 2014
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Lots of 'art deco' stuff about and a car from my earlier days - a Fiat X1/9.


2,190 posts

277 months

Wednesday 26th February 2014
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I'm guessing a Sunbeam Car Club are in town - a Tiger and 2 Alpines spotted.


9 posts

153 months

Thursday 13th March 2014
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New here but here is some recent Auckland cars spotted:

- Mclaren Spider (On the North Western - seen multiple times)
- Matte Black Aventador (Batman themed, in Newmarket)

There seems to be a large increase in young foreigners taking their exotics out on the weekend. Easy spotting in Newmarket on Saturdays!

Dan M

278 posts

293 months

Tuesday 8th April 2014
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Spotted a Chimaera in Porirua, I saw it coming out of a side turning and had to pull over and wait, then followed (stalked) it from Paremata round Pauatahanui inlet, basking in the exhaust noise.
It's a green (maybe cureton) late model 450, probably decatted by the light pops from the exhausts.
I miss my Avus blue Chimaera. Darn you NZ Transport Agency, why couldn't you have brought SIVs in sooner?!


8 posts

136 months

Thursday 10th April 2014
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Saw these TVRs doing a run from Chch to Kaikoura stopping for coffee at Mt Lyford and lunch at the Waiau Pub....mines the 3rd from the right.


2,190 posts

277 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Spotted a black McLaren MP4-12C in Havelock North today - quite nice looking aren't they!


15,987 posts

240 months

Sunday 22nd June 2014
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Silver NSX out the back of Riversdale yesterday... don't see many of them around smile


210 posts

202 months

Friday 4th July 2014
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Stunning white McLaren 12C spotted coming from Orakei then going up Parnell Rise in Auckland today. Looked good in the pouring rain.


2,190 posts

277 months

Saturday 19th July 2014
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This E Type in Havelock North today.

picture borrowed from the web, maybe taken by the owner if it belongs to Douglas Lloyd Jenkins??


2,190 posts

277 months

Saturday 23rd August 2014
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White 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo spotted just now picking up his take-away.


321 posts

180 months

Thursday 28th August 2014
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A white Reliant Robin on a trailer heading into Belfast last Saturday. Looked pretty shiny. I've also seen a gold Smart Roadster on the Northern Motorway a few times too.


2,586 posts

156 months

Saturday 6th September 2014
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I've just seen one of these going down the seafront in Nelson. Had to look it up online when I got home, never heard of one before.
It's a Campagna T-Rex 16s...


1,313 posts

155 months

Sunday 14th September 2014
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This was at the Autospectacular in Dunedin on Saturday. Very, very nicely done 250 GTO replica with Colombo V12 from a 365 which is, I believe, the car shown about 20 posts back. Rod Tempero certainly does very accurate and beautiful work.


4,637 posts

184 months

Friday 17th October 2014
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derekfromnz said:

Saw these TVRs doing a run from Chch to Kaikoura stopping for coffee at Mt Lyford and lunch at the Waiau Pub....mines the 3rd from the right.
Just saw you/heard you lot + a Lancia Integrale rumble through Glentunnel in the rain, guessing you were on the way to Terrace Downs for coffee?

Was the F150 Raptor part of the run or a support vehicle?


321 posts

180 months

Saturday 18th October 2014
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BMW Z1 in Rangiora, then a yike bike


2,190 posts

277 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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In Havelock North today this 1964 Studebaker Avanti

Picture borrowed from flickr


2,190 posts

277 months

Tuesday 18th November 2014
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NZ Classic Car have spotted this:


321 posts

180 months

Monday 12th January 2015
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Saw the Tesla Model S that's travelling the country heading into Christchurch on the Northern motorway a few days ago.

Ooh, just had a thought, it hasn't got pistons, so I'll have to pretend I didn't see it.

Edited by Fulvisti on Saturday 17th January 04:14


2,190 posts

277 months

Thursday 15th January 2015
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An orange Aventador this morning, rego AGATA.

Atom Johnny

1,072 posts

186 months

Saturday 17th January 2015
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Fulvisti said:
Saw the Tesla Model S that's travelling the country heading into Christchurch on the Northern motorway a few days ago.

Ooh, just had a thought, it hasn't got pistons, so I'll have to pretend I didn't see it.

Edited by Fulvisti on Saturday 17th January 04:14
There are two. One red and one green. Which did you see.

I've wondered about the lack of pistons comment. Therefore never posted anything about my day at Ruapuna in one. Although there is are posts about rotary engine cars.