Graphics interface for the 14CUX

Graphics interface for the 14CUX



24 posts

136 months

Tuesday 3rd February 2015
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Hi Chris, after all these months I finally tried again to install a RPi permanently on my truck so I can use the tablet as a diagnostic tool and found a few surprises. I just installed Cmake and compiled libcomm14cux, installed the drivers for the usb to serial cable and Qt 4.8, but once I tried to build rovergauge it says it needs Qt5, but I can't find a way to download and install it using apt-get. Do you have any idea on how to make it work? Thanks, Karls

chris_chim said:
Hi Karl
I have just recompiled version 0.7.1 using QT Creator 4.8 on the RPi and it seems to work. For this version I needed to muck about with some of the functions that don't seem to be supported in Qt4.8 but I have now built it and it seems to work. You also need to build libcomm14cux which requires Cmake to be installed on the RPi and install the RPi drivers for the ftdi device from their website.
To install Cmake use:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install cmake
Then just follow the instructions in the libcomm14cux source code readme file to build it.
I think I used these instructions to install QT creator:
I then modified an earlier project file to include the current .cpp and header files from the rovergauge source and built it in Qt creator on the RPi.
If you want my compiled executable or modified source code let me know.
Cheers Chris

Edited by chris_chim on Wednesday 9th April 20:23


207 posts

247 months

Saturday 21st February 2015
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Hi Karl
Copy of my Raspberry pi 0.71 executable and source code are here:
All you should need is the rovergauge executable, I have also included a desktop icon which runs the program with the geometry option set to 1270x700 (to fit on my nexus 7) and I have optimised the layout for this as well. If you are using the desktop file it is set for rovergauge to be in /home/pi/rovergauge0.7/RoverGauge-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_2SystemRelease/
Grateful if you could let me know if any of this works as I haven't used google drive to share pi stuff before.


24 posts

136 months

Wednesday 4th March 2015
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It's alive! It's alive!

Rovergauge runs on the RPi. I just installed cmake, compiled libcomm14cux (using the instructions on the readme file), copied the executable and desktop entry to the apropiate folders and set the correct permissions. It worked on the first try. Tomorrow i'll check if it communicates with the ECU.

Next step would be to use Qt5 to compile newer versions of Rovergauge.

Thanks a lot,

chris_chim said:
Hi Karl
Copy of my Raspberry pi 0.71 executable and source code are here:
All you should need is the rovergauge executable, I have also included a desktop icon which runs the program with the geometry option set to 1270x700 (to fit on my nexus 7) and I have optimised the layout for this as well. If you are using the desktop file it is set for rovergauge to be in /home/pi/rovergauge0.7/RoverGauge-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_2SystemRelease/
Grateful if you could let me know if any of this works as I haven't used google drive to share pi stuff before.


3,498 posts

250 months

Wednesday 4th March 2015
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Steve_D said:
Just found some 1N4001 left over from a project. Will they do?

ETA We have at least 2 customer cars with unstable speed readings when at standstill.
If those are OK I will do the mod and report back.
This could be a good way forward for lots of owners.

Edited by Steve_D on Saturday 15th March 20:33
Any update on this potential fix?


207 posts

247 months

Thursday 5th March 2015
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Great news, I would make a package installer if I knew how...

karlspena said:
It's alive! It's alive!

Rovergauge runs on the RPi. I just installed cmake, compiled libcomm14cux (using the instructions on the readme file), copied the executable and desktop entry to the apropiate folders and set the correct permissions. It worked on the first try. Tomorrow i'll check if it communicates with the ECU.

Next step would be to use Qt5 to compile newer versions of Rovergauge.

Thanks a lot,


24 posts

136 months

Thursday 5th March 2015
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It runs, communicates and erases codes. So far everything works as it should. I'm pretty sure it will be easy to make a package installer (including libcomm14cux). But it will be even better to do it with Qt5 so we can compile 0.7.2+. Later i'll upload a complete raspbian sd card image with Rovergauge installed, that way it's even easier for non-computer-geeks.

chris_chim said:
Great news, I would make a package installer if I knew how...

karlspena said:
It's alive! It's alive!

Rovergauge runs on the RPi. I just installed cmake, compiled libcomm14cux (using the instructions on the readme file), copied the executable and desktop entry to the apropiate folders and set the correct permissions. It worked on the first try. Tomorrow i'll check if it communicates with the ECU.

Next step would be to use Qt5 to compile newer versions of Rovergauge.

Thanks a lot,


24 posts

136 months

Thursday 5th March 2015
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207 posts

247 months

Thursday 24th March 2016
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Resurrecting this old thread as I've just got a newer raspberry pi (model 3) running raspbian jessie which supports Qt5. This means you can just download Colin's latest source code and use cmake to build it on the pi. I am also now connecting to my pi via USB tethering on my phone or tablet as the wifi connection was pretty unreliable. If anyone wants some instructions I will try to put something together.


24 posts

136 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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chris_chim said:
Resurrecting this old thread as I've just got a newer raspberry pi (model 3) running raspbian jessie which supports Qt5. This means you can just download Colin's latest source code and use cmake to build it on the pi. I am also now connecting to my pi via USB tethering on my phone or tablet as the wifi connection was pretty unreliable. If anyone wants some instructions I will try to put something together.
Please do Chris. Do you think Jessie supports Qt5 on a RPi model B or RPi2?


16,370 posts

294 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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yes please.Just got the chim running and I've got a spare dash top with the idea of mounting a 7" touch screen in it powered by an RPI and that sounds like an excuse to get a pi3


24 posts

136 months

Thursday 28th April 2016
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Knock Knock! Wake up guys! Let's do this!


207 posts

247 months

Friday 29th April 2016
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Sorry, I don't visit here very often. These instructions may be a bit off beam as I did this a while ago and I am mainly going from my command line history on the Pi and cannot see what else I did through the GUI so please tell me what doesn't work and I will try to update them.

First off install and set up Raspbian Jessie on your Pi.
I access the Pi's command line through a network SSH connection (I use PuTTY on my windows laptop).

If you want to run the pi 'headless' and access its GUI over a network from your laptop, tablet or phone then install a VNC server on the Pi. I used these instructions to install tight VNC server:

Now to install Rovergauge. Download the latest source files from the github and extract tar.gz file to an appropriate place on your pi. Also download the libcomm14cux source and extract to another folder.
I am not sure if you need all of this QT5 stuff but it is what I installed as I initially thought I was going to have to compile from within QT:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install qtcreator
sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake
sudo apt-get install qt5-default

Create a folder in each of the extracted folders (libcomm14cux-2.1.1 & rovergauge-0.8.4) called something like 'build'.
cd to each of your two empty build folders and run the following from there (you may need to do libcomm14cux first?):

cmake ..
sudo make install

If all has gone well you should now have a working rovergauge executable in your rovergauge build folder!

If you want to record log files you need to add a folder called logs to your working directory.

Jessie seems to already have all the drivers for the FTDI cable installed.

In the car I use my phone as the interface to the pi connected via a USB cable. I used these instructions to add the pi's USB port as an IP address interface (you only need to go as far as step 4 although 5-7 are useful to double-check it is working properly):

Enable USB tethering on the phone and run your VNC app (I use VNC viewer which is free from the play store) to connect to the IP address you set up just now (it should be

I then muck about setting Rovergauge to auto start, auto connect (-a option) and setting it up for the best screen resolution on the phone (on my GalaxyS4 I use 'rovergauge -a -geometry 1200x640').
  • I have subsequently had issues with the connection to the ECU which were caused by running VNC with the auto start and auto connect options as the program was running in two sessions (the normal hdmi one and the extra VNC one)and accessing the USB from both and getting very confused. The symptoms were strange readings and unreliable comms. I am now using x11vnc server on the pi as this allows me to run multiple VNC clients on a single session. An easier approach would be not to autostart rovergauge on startup.
It also works well on my Nexus 7 - I use cyanogenmod on all my android devices, USB tethering may have been disabled by the network operator if you are still on the original phone OS. On my GalaxyS4 it needs to be connected to the pi USB port before the USB tethering option is enabled - this had me stumped for quite a while as the Nexus didn't need this...

In my chimaera I plug the pi into the charging lead that usually goes to my phone, the pi sits in the tray in front of the gear lever, the USB from the ECU runs behind the footwell/dash trim to here as well. I plug a USB to micro USB lead between the pi and the phone which sits in a Brodit holder to the left of my stereo and allows me to change the orientation of the phone to suit rovergauge.
Good luck!

Edited by chris_chim on Sunday 5th June 14:22


24 posts

136 months

Monday 2nd May 2016
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Thank you very much Chris. I'll test it tonight and post what happens.


24 posts

136 months

Saturday 14th May 2016
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It works beautifully! Thank you very much!


13,798 posts

268 months

Saturday 25th June 2016
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In your travels through producing cables etc did you find anything that identifies the correct pin numbering system for the Lucas RISTS series connectors?
I'm trying to update my TVR wiring diagrams and using the correct numbering system would be good.

Carrera 800

21 posts

116 months

Saturday 8th July 2017
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Hi all

I keep getting a error msg coming up every time I click on start log. Msg reads unable to read log file name ?


207 posts

247 months

Saturday 22nd July 2017
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Hi Carrera
Is this on linux or RPI? If so have you added a folder called 'logs' to Rovergauge's working directory?
If you are using it on windows then I don't know...