Group Buy - Curved Pedals for T cars

Group Buy - Curved Pedals for T cars



Original Poster:

10,680 posts

235 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
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Afternoon All,

I have been chatting with one of our engineering / smiths members and they feewl that they can produce the curved pedals (brake and clutch) for the T-Car pedal boxes. These are supposedly more comfortable to use than the straight pedals but, of course, this is a personal preference.

I'm after two pairs so am happy to pay for some 'pre-production' items and post up how they look / fit etc..... They will be the same finish as existing pedals.

Cost wise we are [for now] looking at £180 a pair plus postage. Price may fall depending upon interest.

So, for now can we start a list on those that are interested. Please note the price, and add your name if you are serious about having a set. Firm commitment will be sort after the 'pre-production' ones are fitted and you are happy with them. Deposit will be required at that point - assume 50%.

Thank you.

Edited by mk1fan on Wednesday 7th March 15:53


Original Poster:

10,680 posts

235 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two


1,326 posts

203 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
mk1fan said:
=forum name=||=number of pairs=||
mk1fan two
Macey one


Original Poster:

10,680 posts

235 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two
Macey one


101 posts

140 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two
Macey one
TimLux one


768 posts

207 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
how do I add my self on the list please as in the box? I like 3 pairs please

Tonymg 3 Pairs is there any way you can add the T V R Logo on each one?

like on my old mgf each letter on each of the pedals just an idea?

put that means I have to take all the pedals off.

richard marson

1 posts

158 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
My son bought a pair of the curved pedals approx two years ago for £136, they are a lot nicer to use than the originals.
They give more of a conventional set up feel, and would like to be added to the list to fit my mk3 Tuscan s covertible.


26 posts

130 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two
Macey one
TimLux one
Tonymg 3
Richard Marson 1
fergus3060 1


26 posts

130 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
glow worm said:
But I must admit even with curved pedals my clutch foot still slips with wet shoes frown A rubber coating would be good idea . Getting the lever point is the critical issue .

Edited by glow worm on Wednesday 7th March 18:22
There's a product marketed for grip on sailing dinghies call pro-grip. It's basically just self adhesive 3mm closed cell foam sheet, which can easily be cut to any shape. A small rectangle of the black stuff on the pedal would probably do just the job to save feet slipping.

Basil Brush

5,245 posts

273 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two
Macey one
TimLux one
Tonymg 3
Richard Marson 1
fergus3060 1
Basil Brush 1


Original Poster:

10,680 posts

235 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
quotequote all
Awesome response.

I'll get my spare set of pedals to the geezer and get a pre-production set made up.


768 posts

207 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
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but what about that idea of putting a letter on each pedal?


Original Poster:

10,680 posts

235 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
quotequote all
I had already thought of that. That would require people sending their throttle pedals in for modding to get a matching set or paying for a third pedal.

At the moment, getting a set of base pedals is the priority. Customisation of these may or may not be possible or incur additional cost.


6,316 posts

215 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
quotequote all
When I did the same curved fitting to my pedals a couple of years back using the Factory T440 stock, I was
told to leave the accelerator "as was".

There was a good technical reason at the time, I just can't remember what it was biggrin

I then experimented and agreed.

So my Sag has the curved brake and clutch pedal, but default accelerator pedal. We also did some tweaks
to the curved pedal when fitting to make the interface better.

Edited by alex_gray255 on Thursday 8th March 13:24


427 posts

167 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two
Macey one
TimLux one
Tonymg 3
Richard Marson 1
fergus3060 1
Basil Brush 1
DAKOTAstorm 1

I’ve added myself, thank you.

Green Fly

814 posts

240 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
quotequote all
Someone please add me to the list, 1 set. smile


6,553 posts

223 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two
Macey one
TimLux one
Tonymg 3
Richard Marson 1
fergus3060 1
Basil Brush 1
DAKOTAstorm 1
Green Fly 1

I added Green Fly

Green Fly

814 posts

240 months

Friday 9th March 2018
quotequote all
TVRleigh_BBWR said:
=forum name=||=number of pairs=||
mk1fan two
Macey one
TimLux one
Tonymg 3
Richard Marson 1
fergus3060 1
Basil Brush 1
DAKOTAstorm 1
Green Fly 1

I added Green Fly


768 posts

207 months

Monday 12th March 2018
quotequote all
can some one put me down for two not three please



Original Poster:

10,680 posts

235 months

Monday 12th March 2018
quotequote all
forum name number of pairs
mk1fan two
Macey one
TimLux one
Tonymg two
Richard Marson 1
fergus3060 1
Basil Brush 1
DAKOTAstorm 1
Green Fly 1