


Original Poster:

1,905 posts

289 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2001
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Anyone have any recomendations etc for 2 car insurance policies?


30 posts

291 months

Wednesday 3rd January 2001
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A-One insurance offered me a good dual policy on my Chimaera + Ford Mondeo,with about 10% off, and good competitive quotes. Try them!


52,829 posts

292 months

Thursday 4th January 2001
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Have you seen Jens' TVR insurance guide on his web site? it's at Regards Rich...
Thursday 4th January 2001
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I'm insured with Classicline (Ian Fray) of Hinkley, Leics. My 4.0 Chim is on a future classic policy, 7.5K limited miles & approx. £250 excess. Included is agreed value (!!) and breakdown cover. They require proof of NCD from another policy at renewal. For this I I have a TPFT policy with Privilege Insurance for my winter run-around (old XR2). Combined premium just under £600.