End of the Chimaera



Original Poster:

1,362 posts

292 months

Friday 5th January 2001
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Has anybody had any info from the factory about the impending end of Chimaera production? It appears that the mention of it has been removed from Graham Browne's website, but I haven't heard of any reaction from the factory. James


1,137 posts

292 months

Friday 5th January 2001
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He's also not looking for new work any more, funny after that gaffe you'd think a new job was imperative. I'd give alot to have seen BS' face when he found out


1,137 posts

292 months

Friday 5th January 2001
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Just rang the factory, they are doing the mods described on the site, but there are no plans to cease production, just that with all the other models around there will probably not be another revision. they are adamant that the car is still their bread & butter from what I can gather. Panic over then.....


Original Poster:

1,362 posts

292 months

Friday 5th January 2001
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Strange that they didn't announce it at the motor show. Maybe they've decided to do it based on the good responses they got to the Griff updates. Seemed a bit odd to me that the first time they update the Griff cosmetically is for the last 100 they're ever going to make. James