Hubs for racing car



Original Poster:

237 posts

249 months

Wednesday 27th April 2005
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Currently putting together a racing car and I need front and rear hubs for unequal wishbone suspension set up front and rear. Does anybody know of any off the shelf products I can use (will be running 12 pot caliper Tarox racing brake kit).



>>> Edited by jkyle69 on Wednesday 27th April 19:47


9,939 posts

254 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2005
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I assume by 'hub' you actually mean the whole upright/hub assembly?

Several companies do them off the shelf; depends what type of car you are building, though. I assume that if you are planning 12-pot calipers, it must be something fairly big and heavy?

Apart from the obvious solution of finding a similar car from one of the established race car manufacturers and buying a set of uprights from them, you might try Raceleda or Quaiffe - both do off-the-shelf standard items.

>> Edited by Martin_s on Tuesday 3rd May 20:12


8,345 posts

273 months

Friday 6th May 2005
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or try a kit car manufacturer... I'm thinking of getting a set from GD cars.


509 posts

264 months

Saturday 7th May 2005
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My kit car (AM Sportscars EX2 - increasingly modified) uses the setup from GD cars.

Highly recommended, particularly with my cars geometry.

Despite running track day tyres and downforce I am still only using one degree or less of negative camber, sign of very good camber control, and have neglible MEASURED bump steer.