Broken spring



Original Poster:

6,250 posts

261 months

Friday 27th May 2005
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Annoyingly, whilst driving to my mum's on Wednesday, I could hear an ever louder rattling coming from the front suspension. Slightly disconcerted, and considering that the Skoda dealer had been messing with the suspension only a few weeks ago, I decided that something was loose or hadn't been tightened up properly.

I pulled into a car park to see what was happening when I felt a hard juddering through the wheel. This was accompanied by the horrible sound of a spring under torsion.

While I waited for the AA to arrive, I kept looking at the car. It looked normal, but something was nagging. The drivers side seemed slighly lower. The AA confirmed my suspicions on arrival. Half-a-turn of the top of the drivers side coil-spring had snapped off completely. It was rattling around. Certainly not the fault of the dealer.

So my car is currently in having the spring replaced. However, I'm wondering if springs should be replaced in pairs. Or is it alright for the dealer just to replace the broken one?


509 posts

264 months

Friday 27th May 2005
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Ideally they should be replaced as a pair.

However, in your average shopping trolley I either would only bother replacing the one, or get one from a breakers.


Original Poster:

6,250 posts

261 months

Friday 27th May 2005
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denisb said:
However, in your average shopping trolley I either would only bother replacing the one, or get one from a breakers.

It's not exactly a shopping trolley (222 BHP), but we'll see what it's like when I go to pick it up tomorrow. Thanks.