MkII Golf GTI valver



Original Poster:

32 posts

238 months

Wednesday 8th June 2005
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What would you say is the most appropriate suspension for this old night of the road. It's done 134k and I am gona replace bushes too.

This car is only used on the track. It is a budget project so no top of th range ideas please.


21 posts

235 months

Friday 10th June 2005
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You have two choices as I see it. Either give Gaz shocks a call and they will make you up a set to your specs and you can have custome height/weight springs made which will probably come out to £400 ish. Or you have the super cheap option of buying some Bilstein/Boge Gas shocks from eurocarparts for about £20 each corner (these are just replacement parts) and then getting some decent springs on em. I had a mk2 with the bilstein option on and with Boge 40mm lowered/stiffened springs the car was awesome round corners and it just would not roll.
Even if you go for the bilstein shocks I reckon its worth giving gaz a call as there springs are only £70+vat per set.

Let me know what you go for and what you think.


63 months

Saturday 11th June 2005
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Iguana gave some good info on this thread