Bleeding brakes sequence on A reg VW POLO

Bleeding brakes sequence on A reg VW POLO



Original Poster:

3,763 posts

276 months

Wednesday 15th June 2005
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Any idea what is the sequence, as Im doing free for my friend's 1 litre vw polo. it had terrible brake travel, felt like it was a clutch.

This car doesnt have servo assited brakes.

So any good sites about VW polo brakes system.


3,164 posts

258 months

Wednesday 15th June 2005
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The rule of thumb I've always used is to start with the wheel furthest from the fluid tank and work your way to the wheel nearest the tank. This is usually means starting at nearside-rear, then offside rear, nearside front and finally offside front (assuming tank is on driver's side of engine bay).

Always use fresh fluid, and start by pumping it through the system until the new fluid appear at the rear wheels.

Is this enough help?
