New Suspension for track day gti

New Suspension for track day gti



Original Poster:

32 posts

238 months

Saturday 18th June 2005
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I've got a MkII 1989 1.8 Golf GTI used for track days only. It wont be long before it needs suspension.

I wondered if any of you out there could give me advice on the best options.

Budget for £500 I'll also replace all the bushes at the same time.

If you can think of anything else I should consider regarding set up, anti roll bars, braces all news is good news.

Cheer all, Pootles

>> Edited by pootles on Saturday 18th June 20:49


9,349 posts

260 months

Sunday 19th June 2005
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You would probably get more opinions of what people are using on clubgti but after polybushes all round your £500 will leave you change for a cheapish simple srping and damper kit.