Which tyres have rim protection?

Which tyres have rim protection?



Original Poster:

1,454 posts

230 months

Sunday 13th October 2024
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I'm doing a bit of research on tyres as my 911 will need some new rears fairly soon. As the wheels are 20 inches with 30 profile tyres I want to get a tyre with decent rim protection.

I know the PS4S have good rim protection but also considering Continental Sport Contacts and Goodyear Eagle F1s.

Does anyone know what the rim protection on these tyres is like?


2,388 posts

84 months

Sunday 13th October 2024
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PS4S as you say are decent.

I couldn’t get rears in my size recently and got Vredstein Ultrac 2’s which were £100 a corner less and reviewed well, being aimed at the performance end of the market. They’ve a a modest rim protector.

They’ve been damn good actually, 99% of the PS4S performance and way better than the P zeroes the car was delivered on, which were rotten in lower temperatures and on damp roads- and wore out rapidly on the rears.

The Bridgestones I looked at didn’t seem to have a rim protector and I’ve never been impressed by Continentals on cars, Good Year seem out of the running these days, but the rim protector was quite prominent.

Edited by Rough101 on Sunday 13th October 09:09


5,685 posts

183 months

Sunday 13th October 2024
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Goodyears are my go to tyres for most things, and the rim protection is very good.

Mighty Flex

911 posts

180 months

Sunday 13th October 2024
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It varies by brand and model. Not all rimprotectors are the same chunkyness. For a given tyre model, It is not uncommon for some (often higher) profiles to come without rim protection, whereas other sizes will.

For something like your 911, you may find that just changing rears and ending up with a mix with the front will change the balance. In the end it can be discussed for ever as proper controlled comparisons are very hard to do.

Tyrereviews has some good in depth reviews, probably some comparison of the choice you have available.


Original Poster:

1,454 posts

230 months

Sunday 13th October 2024
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Thanks for the responses. The car currently has Pzeros which I don't like as they are awful in the winter. Currently leaning towards the Goodyears


848 posts

203 months

Saturday 2nd November 2024
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Goodyear rim protection is generally better than most, but you really need to see the tyres fitted in your size, to your size wheel. Best asking in the owners forum and being specific about your car. Obviously easier if mass produced/standard wheels.


14,687 posts

93 months

Saturday 2nd November 2024
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To be honest, rim protectors won’t protect rims from a misjudged park. Any rotation as you come to park up will tear into a rim protector section. It will invariably be the front left rim that will be damaged. Goodyears are as good as any, but they will still succumb to a misjudged positioning.