Have I knackered my tyre?



Original Poster:

2,766 posts

194 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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I don’t know if you’ll be able to see clearly enough but I caught my right rear wheel on a low gabion wall (steel cage with rocks in it). I’ve clearly scratched the wheel but I’m trying to work out if the damage to the tyre is superficial or something that needs attention. What do you think?


9,074 posts

185 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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How deep is the scratch/cut in the tyre? If you can peel the rubber back enough to see the cords or the carcass it's new tyre time.


Original Poster:

2,766 posts

194 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Just had a closer look. Most are surface scratches but this one is a bit deeper. Just over 1mm I guess

Edited by 24lemons on Wednesday 4th December 08:34


30,545 posts

293 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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That isn't deep enough to concern me.


2,059 posts

44 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Wouldn't worry me unduly either, i'd be inclined to glue the strip back in with the sort of rubbing bonding glue used for inner tube patches.

Just keep an eye on it for any slight out of shape developing, in the unlikely case one of the cords was damaged.


14,637 posts

93 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Can you see cords? Can you feel cords (try a pencil tip)? If not, then:-
If you have a proper Tyre Pressure Monitoring system, keep an eye on it.
If the treads are below 4mm, it may be worth replacing (on the basis that 3mm is often recommended as the real minimum).
I have found that gluing it back never really works, there is too much flex.