Bilt Hamber and their chaotic dilution formula

Bilt Hamber and their chaotic dilution formula



Original Poster:

6,680 posts

208 months

Monday 4th November 2024
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Smokey Bear said:
I’ve found the best thing to do is pour a small amount in the bottle and worry no more.
This sort of reply took longer than I thought to be fair.


360 posts

156 months

Tuesday 5th November 2024
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I cannot believe how many people find this hard to figure out. School failure.

As all pressure washers and snow foam lances provide different flow rates, panel impact ratios, as recommended by Bilt Hamber (and only a couple of other sellers, like Garage Therapy) is the only correct way to consistently provide a dilution ratio. 1 inch or 100ml of product in a snow foam lance will provide such a variety of dilution ratios between different lances and pressure washers that you will get completely different results.

Porker 997C2S

22 posts

225 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Robertb said:
I apply it with a pump-action sprayer bottle. The foaming action adds no cleaning value, and it avoids all the calculation faff as you just add the percentage of the capacity of the bottle.
That's really popular way of applying it to, some think it's even more effective too. I'm just about to try out some BH Touch-Less for the first time too once I've worked out the PIR for 2%. Used Auto Foam a few years back and that worked out at 50/50 with my old foam lance and trigger gun. I'm going to guess at closer to 25/75 w\ith Touch-Less as it's more concentrated.

Also just use 500ml of water and double up the results for 1L. Saves time and water and it's a fairly simple process to work out the combo of mains water flow pressure, power washer, trigger and foam lance. There's a lot of variables there and BH just want to make sure the end user is using the product as close possible to their recommendations.

Porker 997C2S

22 posts

225 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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blueg33 said:
IIRC The Forensic Detailing YouTube channel has done a piece on PIR.
He did but it wasn't as well explained or straightforward as this one from Heather at Car Care HQ channel: