Lotus Elise Stories - where did yours start?

Lotus Elise Stories - where did yours start?



6,965 posts

151 months

Monday 7th August 2023
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lotusgeek said:
Mikebentley said:
In 1999 a friend of my wife’s visited with her then boyfriend. I had a 1999 Clio 16v which was a comfortable and surprisingly fast little car. The boyfriend had a series 1 I think Elise in red on an S plate. He gave me the keys for a thrash. It was probably one of the harshest most jarring cars I have ever driven. I’m convinced the Clio would have been quicker on any road.

I handed the keys back and said to the wife it was a firm no from me. It’s strange though I now sort of get it and have a hankering to give it another chance.
I went from a Clio 16V to my S1 111S. The Lotus was way better damped and certainly didn't feel harsher to me.

Give it another go.
The road was a series of sweeping cambered bends that are plagued with tree routes growing under them. They really are a death trap. The Elise didn’t like them.


1,678 posts

259 months

Monday 21st August 2023
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I've done both Elise S and also Evora N/A (so far).

Elise S I went down a slightly different route to the majority of owners. Ownership wise, it ran from August 2013 to May 2015, and took the opportunity of the 50:50 0% finance package that my local main dealer was doing, so I went down the new route. Didn't do the lairy colours (it's Sienna Brown for those that are interested)......

Turned out quite nicely in the flesh....

The kids also thought it was a good purchase too...

Then came a gap and I eventually came back to an Evora, as I was told I needed 4 seats...

Same, Same but completely different.

In terms of Lotus, while I'm not driving one at the moment, I'll be back.


368 posts

216 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2023
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Many moons ago I wrote a blog about how my Lotus journey began and here it is https://peakrevs.wordpress.com/2015/03/22/the-love...

Must admit barely a week goes by without looking at what’s for sale, but currently I just don’t think one would work for our family. I probably should try an Evora with it’s 4 seats as that’s where a 911 wins in that the whole family can enjoy a run out.

One day I’ll be back in a Lotus I hope!


787 posts

126 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Via GT3 Porsches and a Caterham... to then looking at Marks S1 too much and I ended up in an S1 111s. Felt like the right mix of involvement between a GT3 and a Caterham.

I've spent a bit of cash getting it mechanically bang on.. but it's all on the base of a fantastic service history with loads and loads of receipts. Biggest difference has been the fitment of Nitron NTR40s.


213 posts

180 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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I came into an inheritance, wife said 'you like cars but don't need a daily, go by something silly'.

So I did.

Saw an advert on here, it was the usual too good to be true ad, poor photo's, very little in the way of a description, too cheap, etc etc.

Went to see it, the bloke that owned it had a bucket list of cars, the Elise being on his list, he bought it, drove it for a couple of months and decided to move it in.

I didn't have the money at the time I went to see it, he took a £100 deposit, put a cover on it and kept it until I had the cash.

I've now owned it for nearly 14 years, no intention of ever selling.


561 posts

213 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I bought my Elise S1 111s from the PH classifieds last month (silver with a black interior).


787 posts

126 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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paul13 said:
I bought my Elise S1 111s from the PH classifieds last month (silver with a black interior).

That looked like a good car!


561 posts

213 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Joehow said:
That looked like a good car!
It is. Just over 26.5k miles. Although, after an inspection by PJS Sports Cars (well worth the cost of the inspection) it needed a little work such as a new steering rack and two new ball joint track-rods end replacing. I had 50% of the cost of the work reduced from the initially agreed price. . I also had the pressure relief remote thermostat kit fitted at the same time (at my cost). The intention is to keep the car as standard as possible (therefore not intending any engine upgrades).

I will SORN it this month and tuck it away in the garage until spring/summer.


690 posts

74 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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My Elise story is relatively brief but there’s almost fifty years of Lotus ownership wrapped around it. As a long time arthritis sufferer I reluctantly never really entertained Elise ownership. I’d willingly struggle in and out of friends’ cars to have a ride occasionally. After hip and knee replacements in 2014 and feeling reasonably mobile I decided it was time to have a go. I bought a laser blue 08 plate Elise S and for four years absolutely loved it. It was still a struggle to get in and out over the damned sill but we had some great times with it. Eventually my common sense head said it had to go sadly.
I can’t complain, my Lotus ownership started in 1975 with an Elan S4 dhc, since then I’ve had several other models. I’ve had my M100 Elan S2 for almost 25 years and next year my Elan Sprint’ll be on the road after a full ( and first) repaint.
Elise fans will be pleased to know I rate the Elise as the best for steering and handling although my classic Elans and Europa Twin Cam were pretty close!


288 posts

134 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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16 years ago, SWMBO fancied an Elise and the idea was to get a Type 49 to match my Gold Leaf Elan Sprint.

This little beauty came up - one of only 4 'Type 49s' in non Gold Leaf Colours. This suited her fine being the Wednesday half of the marriage.

I eventually got fed up of pushing the Elan round the Peak District, so went Elise as well with a Sport 190 (in Blades colours obviously).


115 posts

65 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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Many years ago I rented a one way hire car and drove 250 miles to the South coast to buy a Ferrari 308 GTSi - it was so long ago that I had a bankers draft ( pre on-line money transfer) for £28,000 ( I think they're now about £80,000-ish ) burning a hole in my pocket ready to hand to the dealer and drive home in it. On driving I felt completely underwhelmed, on reflection perhaps because the dealer was sitting next to me and we pootled around at 35 mph !

I drove home in record time to make sure I could return the hire car same day and thought about what I could buy, once I get the bit between my teeth re buying another car I don't hold back ! The next day I was in Sheffield at Gordon Lamb Lotus dealer ( not sure if they are still around ) and drove an Elise for the first time - ten minutes later I ordered a new one and took delivery a month later. I've been completely absorbed by them ever since and have now owned six Elise's.
I've also owned a number of Ferrari's since but don't feel that they compare to a good Elise.

A couple of month's ago I made a big mistake by selling my SC 220 to fund divorce legal fees. Now realising the error of my ways I'm on the hunt for another Elise, I've had a lot of cars but the Elise is the standout car as the most fun and rewarding to drive. I've driven down to Italy for the Mille Miglia and back over the Alps a couple of times in Elises and absolutely loved it. If there's only a small amount of luggage space, you can only take a small amount of luggage !

Definitely going to make sure I have another in time for the summer.


111 posts

75 months

Saturday 23rd December 2023
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Oh this thread is not good for me!

Ever since I was a kid I dreamed of the s2 Elise - I was so attracted by the looks, how everything seemed to be built to make the car as fast and efficient as possible - not a kg of waste!

I drove a lotus for the first time in 2019 when a friend of mine bought his s1, and I just fell even more in love with the idea of owning one.

So in February of 2020 I said screw it, and put all my life savings into buying an early long roof s2.

Originally saw it for sale in October 2019 but didn’t pull the trigger fast enough and someone else bought it. Lucky for me, the new owner apparently decided the car was too much to be used for Eurotrips with his wife, and sold it back to the specialist - and I bought it straight away!

Drove it all the way back to france where I lived, with just the remaining of my life savings (300€ or so) and had nothing but great memories and smiles for two years, using it on the weekend for short and long drives, taking it as far as Lisbon during the summer, and it never missed a beat.

Stupidity sold it because my gf at the time (now ex) truly didn’t like being in it and so I thought I could get something German to make it more appealing to her and useful on longer trips. Really do regret selling it, and I look at the classifieds every week to buy one again, so I’m sure I’ll have to own one again soon, maybe a vhpd version…

If anyone is reading this and thinking about selling their elise - don’t.


3 posts

51 months

Wednesday 17th January 2024
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The spark that ignited my love for the Marque was when I had the privilege of being invited to a Palmer Sports event around 2001. One of their cars was the incredible S1 Exige. Although not the fastest car on the day it hit the spot on the sheer excitement and thrill of driving and handling of this little pocket rocket. From there on I had to have a Lotus. Unfortunately funds didn’t initially permit due to having a young family at the time but as an alternative an MR2 filled the spot for a while. A couple of years later I managed to find and secure a lovely long tailed sports tourer S2 Elise of which I’ve owned now for the past 19 years. We have had so many great driving adventures and events with the Lotus and have future plans for many more.
I just love everything about it and the friendship among other Lotus owners that go hand in hand with the marque means it is going to be with me for many years to come.


355 posts

234 months

Sunday 25th February 2024
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I do remember the first time I saw an Elise in person, I was at the London Motor Show, Earls Court, 1995, only a few weeks after it had been unveiled. If I'm honest my memory back to mid90s is pretty foggy, I was at uni in London. I remember the emotions, not many of the details but I remember the Elise. I was car mad and money poor.

Even back then it seems that even then the concept of man maths was strong in me. I had a particular soft spot for English cars and convertibles. Living in a student house in Whitechapel with my income limited to my student loan and a part time evening job I made the sensible decision that the best way froward was to run two cars. A run around and something I wanted. I ended up with a Datsun Sunny 1.5L 2 door sedan (very rare little number) and a Valencia Blue 1969 Triumph Spitfire XAB 38G ( I don't have original pics so I've borrowed some similar ones of the interweb, however a pic of a gold Sunny with beige interior seems to be alluding me).

The Sunny never gave me any grief and always started. The Triumph spent much of it life in pieces, broke down frequently and meant I had to do things like a clutch job on the street outside our terrace house in winter. In typical fashion, I couldn't care less about the Sunny and loved the Spitfire to bits.

I went everywhere I could in that Spitfire, Scotland climbing, Le Mans 24h and Southwest France surfing to name a few (Yep roof down, even in the rain, surfboard in the passenger street).

It was with mindset that I first saw the Elise and it was love at first sight. I loved the engineering of it, the simplicity and the performance. For me coming from a 1969 sports car it even seemed quite plush.

To set the scene, In the 90s there were sports cars, 911s, TVRs, Astons but not so much that was attainable. Maybe an MX5, a Fiat Coupe, or my favourite the Caterham 7 but the choice was so limited. The Elise changed this, all of this beauty for less than 20K, but I was car mad and money poor. That day I did make a promise, that at some stage in the future I would have an Elise.

It's probably fair to say that I became a little Elise obsessed after that. Whenever there was a magazine article, I bought it, read and re-read it. When my car obsessed flatmates and I saw one in London we would follow it, just to see it on the road. Occasionally I would meet an owner, mostly it was disappointing as they didn't seem to know anywhere near as much about it as I expected and remained Elise mad and money poor.

Over the years many things happened, I finished Uni, got a job, XAB38G was stolen, I left my job and used the insurance pay out to go travelling. Eventually a few years later, in the early 2000's, I found myself in NZ. I had a good job, a lovely girlfriend and my car was a 1954 Morris Minor.

A few times the Morrie had broken down on my way to work and my bosses patience was wearing thin. The promise to myself had never really left and I needed a practical car to get to work, I was still car mad and less money poor, I needed an Elise.

I found a 18 months old car from the dealer with only about 2000km on the clock and the deal was done. It was a standard K-series 120bhp car and we had many adventures together.

I used it as a daily driver and loved it pieces. I added about about 18,000km in the next 12 months.

As much as I loved it, I gradually produced a mental list of things that could be improved. Yes, I fancied more power but a brown trouser moment when a numpty driver pulled out on me in the rain meant I wanted ABS more. In mid 2004 Lotus announced the 111R, Autocar reviewed the car and all of my mental short list was covered. A piece in EVO where they took it on a winter road trip comparing it to a VX220T sealed the deal. I spoke to the original dealer and they were keen to have my car back. I wanted to spec a car nearly identically to black K Series so no-one would know I had a new car, I could but I would be waiting nearly a year. There were however 2 cars already on a boat heading to NZ, a red car and one in storm titanium. I'm not a red car guy.

20yrs later other cars have come and gone but the Elise endures. It's done track days.

It's been a family car.

Someone reversed into it. I buckled 2 sets of Spider wheels on potholes or track kerbs. It's a bit modded and is probably due a complete refresh.

However nearly 20 years, over 100,000km later my lovely girlfriend is my beautiful wife, the garage has grown, I'll always be car mad, I'm no longer poor and I still love the Lotus Elise.


289 posts

292 months

Saturday 23rd March 2024
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My Lotus history started in 2010, when I bought an S2 111S

I didn’t have it that long before I swapped it in for an Elise R. Great fun, had it for a few years and then moved it on due to
kids coming along etc

I then had nothing for a number of years and then scratched the Caterham itch. I loved it, amazing fun, but car was limited to use for trackdays only, which really limited the use. Sold it on, no car for 4 years until now, where I’ve picked up an S1. Plan is to get it back to factory fresh and just enjoy it for as long as I can on the roads


432 posts

213 months

Saturday 23rd March 2024
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mikeulster500 said:
My Lotus history started in 2010, when I bought an S2 111S

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the trio.

I'm looking at getting an Elise later this year, currently leaning towards the S2 111S for several reasons. It's got a much easier to use roof than the S1, the K Series sounds better to my ears and has a better spread of power for road use plus there's no brake servo so more raw enjoyment. Or have I got it all wrong?


18,784 posts

220 months

Saturday 23rd March 2024
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steve_n said:
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the trio.

I'm looking at getting an Elise later this year, currently leaning towards the S2 111S for several reasons. It's got a much easier to use roof than the S1, the K Series sounds better to my ears and has a better spread of power for road use plus there's no brake servo so more raw enjoyment. Or have I got it all wrong?
I think the non-servo brakes are big plus point of the K-Series S2 over the Toyota versions, so I'd agree on that. Would still like a go in a 111R though. Only driven an S, and it was no where near as much fun as my S1.


432 posts

213 months

Saturday 23rd March 2024
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Zarco said:
I think the non-servo brakes are big plus point of the K-Series S2 over the Toyota versions, so I'd agree on that. Would still like a go in a 111R though. Only driven an S, and it was no where near as much fun as my S1.
Interesting, thanks. I think for me it's a question of S2 111S or one of the hotter versions of the S1 maybe. I prefer the looks of the S2 though.


289 posts

292 months

Saturday 23rd March 2024
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steve_n said:
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the trio.

I'm looking at getting an Elise later this year, currently leaning towards the S2 111S for several reasons. It's got a much easier to use roof than the S1, the K Series sounds better to my ears and has a better spread of power for road use plus there's no brake servo so more raw enjoyment. Or have I got it all wrong?
The Elise R was the most refined and polished, however looking back, I actually preferred the rawness if the 111s, non servo’d brakes, no traction control and cable throttle, rather than fly by wire. That’s why I have now got an S1. I wanted the rawness and the original version


432 posts

213 months

Saturday 23rd March 2024
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mikeulster500 said:
The Elise R was the most refined and polished, however looking back, I actually preferred the rawness if the 111s, non servo’d brakes, no traction control and cable throttle, rather than fly by wire. That’s why I have now got an S1. I wanted the rawness and the original version
Thanks Mike, confirms my thoughts. I miss cable throttles, they just do what you ask, no more, no less. I've got a 535i for refinement.

How do you find the S1 compared to the S2 111S?