Hot Wheels 1:64



Original Poster:

29,699 posts

232 months

Friday 2nd March 2018
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Are the any other collectors of basic Hot Wheels here?

I'm looking for an online database to use to track my collecting - does anyone have any recommendations please?


1,401 posts

223 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Original Poster:

29,699 posts

232 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Some great shots there.


1,401 posts

223 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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Thanks, continually adding pictures until I have it completed. Need more storage cases at the moment.


113 posts

149 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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i have been collecting for around a year now for ''my lad''

i only tend to grab the hotwheels that catch my fancy or the ones from the HW screen time sets or the treasure hunts.


156 posts

136 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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I’ve got a fair old collection now, used to grab one or two when we walked past Poundland.
Got some quite cool ones like Ecto 1, various batmobiles and ‘the homer’ as well as plenty of supercars


175 posts

54 months

Thursday 13th May 2021
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Thought I would bump this old thread rather than starting a new one.

Anyone else a Hot Wheels fan?

I've gotten into the bad habit of rummaging through the Hot Wheels box during the weekly shop and picking up one or two.

Managed to find the Lancia Delta Integrale this week!


Original Poster:

29,699 posts

232 months

Thursday 13th May 2021
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I'm still collecting. It became a problem a long time ago.


175 posts

54 months

Thursday 13th May 2021
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ferrisbueller said:
I'm still collecting. It became a problem a long time ago.
Haha, yes its a slippery slope.

So much so that I have had to do a clear out and have stuck a few on eBay this week.


9,171 posts

163 months

Thursday 13th May 2021
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I always have a rummage through the box in the supermarket, if no kids are around obviously....

Got a HW premium British horse power McLaren F1 a few weeks ago, very nice and weighty.

My son loves them as well, so buy some for him as well and i keep what I fancy


7,269 posts

110 months

Friday 14th May 2021
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I have the Gas Monkey gold Corvette and a nice Gulf GT40. I think it would be a slippery slope, I already have far too much car stuff lying around the place…


5,933 posts

195 months

Monday 17th May 2021
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I only have one, the Starman Tesla.

some bloke

1,142 posts

72 months

Wednesday 19th May 2021
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Yep, guilty. I rummage through the supermarket box too.


1,159 posts

162 months

Wednesday 19th May 2021
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When I were but a slip of a lad, back in the dim and distant past I was blessed with a mother who cared little for her baby offspring but cared vastly for her burgeoning social life so I was paid to babysit... myself!

So about three times a week (four if it was a really good week) I would call in at the toy shop on my way to school (always open for keep kiddies to spend their pocket money) and buy Hot Wheels. I had all the latest (just looking through that website I had all the 68 - 70 offerings)
loads of track and various accessories so mammoth tracks could be made while 'babysitting' and much fun was had.

I kept them all in mint condition (I'm a bit OCD) and displayed them in a case until my early thirties (you could buy a dedicated Hot wheels display case - that was several nights' dough!) when in a moment of rashness, I gave them to my baby son to play with.

I think most of them got buried in the garden, or eaten by the dogs, or otherwise destroyed but they did their job and my baby son (now an ugly 30-year-old) is yet another petrol head. Wish I still had them.

I had a brilliant blue Rolls-Royce shadow from them and it was my favorite but not seen another.


1,007 posts

144 months

Wednesday 19th May 2021
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Intergrale arrived today, F1 GTR here tomorrow & have a couple more Lancia on order & quite fancy the decal kits on eBay


937 posts

223 months

Wednesday 19th May 2021
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My son has hundreds. Its a mixture of older ones he used to play with as a small child, plus a large amount of mint, loads still packaged, and loads open but in a display case (he tries to buy 2 of the same one). Its a very slippery slope, and I find i cant go to a shop now, and not check for Hot Wheels cars on his behalf.


175 posts

54 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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Matchbox have been doing some pretty good models recently which doesn't help the ever growing collection.

Thankfully they don't seem to be as readily available as Hot Wheels.


Original Poster:

29,699 posts

232 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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s-x-i said:
Matchbox have been doing some pretty good models recently which doesn't help the ever growing collection.

Thankfully they don't seem to be as readily available as Hot Wheels.
Tesco only for Matchbox I think.


7,269 posts

110 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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ferrisbueller said:
s-x-i said:
Matchbox have been doing some pretty good models recently which doesn't help the ever growing collection.

Thankfully they don't seem to be as readily available as Hot Wheels.
Tesco only for Matchbox I think.
'Sfunny - when I were a nipper (in the 70s in NW England) I had mainly Matchbox, with a few Corgi "Whizzwheels" and a couple of Siku. There didn't seem to be Hotwheels available, Matchbox were everywhere.


7,385 posts

149 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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Woo hoo ... 48yr old dad of a 6yo checking in to the thread!!!

I kept all my old Matchbox and Corgi cars from when I was a kid in the 70's/early 80's. My grandfather used to buy me a new one, every Thursday for a few years, when my grandparents came to visit. I left them all in a bin bag in my parents' loft for decades after moving out in 1995.

Our son came along in 2015, parents wanted a clear out, so said bin bag was dumped on me. What a flashback to my childhood! A lot were completely shagged, but many were in really, really good condition.

Fast forward a few years and son now loves all those cars, and is busy creating his own Hot Wheels collection. I am obsessively helping him. We've bought couple of tracks, he loves making them indoors and outdoors, watches loads of stuff on YouTube about them, and we collect the ones that he and I like most.

The biggest revelation to me, having been a Covid-shielder over the last 12 months and barely leaving the house, it that my local Tesco Express have started doing them as impulse purchase items, as I discovered on my first visit to any kind of shop in a year last week. What a great find! I think we might be, ahem, "running out of tea bags and sugar" a bit more frequently in future! hehe

Favourite recent purchases are Audi S1 Quattro, AC Cobra, Ford RS1800 Mexico and Volvo 850R wagon.