LEGO Speed Champions spare parts

LEGO Speed Champions spare parts



Original Poster:

6,767 posts

160 months

Friday 10th May
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Noticed last night a piece of my Speed Champions 812 comp has gone missing (suspect the Mrs has knocked the model and vacuumed the piece by accident) and I'd like a replacement, does anyone know how I'd go about finding out what code or name LEGO give a specific piece and how I got about ordering one?

I'm quite new to LEGO so any help would be appreciated


Every day a journey

1,818 posts

43 months

Friday 10th May
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Can’t remember if the Speed Champs have a parts list at the back of the build book but the parts list should be there. Each piece has a unique code.

Go onto Lego. Sorted.


2,179 posts

166 months


760 posts

149 months

Friday 10th May
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If you go to the main Lego page and scroll to the bottom and under support you should find replacement parts. Click on the missing pieces bit and go from there. Think your set might be 76914.


Original Poster:

6,767 posts

160 months

Friday 10th May
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Absolute legends guys thank you!!

Looks like I need 6310198, £1.65 delivered doesn't seem bad!


7,253 posts

110 months

Friday 10th May
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You could always pretend it was missing, then you get it free. Go to Menu -> Help -> Replacement Parts.