Who's coming on Friday night then ?

Who's coming on Friday night then ?



12,415 posts

253 months

Saturday 22nd April 2006
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Great night, and great company I too have a small headache


2,355 posts

246 months

Saturday 22nd April 2006
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Sorry I missed you all. I wasn't sure if you would be in Ruths or not and by 12 I was done and left my work chums to get slaughtered. Sounds like you had a top night!

I'm off out for a drive today and the 2.5 bottles of red I think I must have drunk has long cleared so it's off into the sunshine for me!

Must make the next night out.


13,993 posts

258 months

Saturday 22nd April 2006
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Blipi, only got your text this morning, was a good night out

So whose arranging the next one then


Original Poster:

3,298 posts

253 months

Saturday 22nd April 2006
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Mrs Trackside

9,299 posts

242 months

Saturday 22nd April 2006
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mxdi said:
So whose arranging the next one then

Whenever it is, I want to go to Auntie Ruths again.


8,814 posts

263 months

Saturday 22nd April 2006
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Hopefully I can join in the fun next time

Glad you all had a great nite


3,850 posts

245 months

Sunday 23rd April 2006
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Mrs Trackside said:

mxdi said:
So whose arranging the next one then

Whenever it is, I want to go to Auntie Ruths again.

So how many of us need to join to get everyone in?...lol

Mrs Trackside

9,299 posts

242 months

Sunday 23rd April 2006
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Nicol@ said:
Mrs Trackside said:

mxdi said:
So whose arranging the next one then

Whenever it is, I want to go to Auntie Ruths again.

So how many of us need to join to get everyone in?...lol

We could do a membership slush fund and have two or three cards in circulation


3,402 posts

258 months

Sunday 23rd April 2006
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Nicol@ said:

I think a couple of members of the group should have been in a different type of bar, one for all men. Good dancing though.

Plus Equals

Skid Solo

324 posts

238 months

Sunday 23rd April 2006
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Matt_ said:
Nicol@ said:

I think a couple of members of the group should have been in a different type of bar, one for all men. Good dancing though.

Plus Equals

Looks like Mrs T has got competition on the smiles front !!!

Mrs Trackside

9,299 posts

242 months

Sunday 23rd April 2006
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Skid Solo said:
Matt_ said:
Nicol@ said:

I think a couple of members of the group should have been in a different type of bar, one for all men. Good dancing though.

Plus Equals

Looks like Mrs T has got competition on the smiles front !!!

Fear not Skid Solo. I'm a and my bank is full


Original Poster:

3,298 posts

253 months

Monday 24th April 2006
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Matt_ said:

Plus Equals

Can't believe we got out-boogied by shorty !
That man truly does know how to shake that funky love thang


3,402 posts

258 months

Monday 24th April 2006
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obes said:
Matt_ said:

Plus Equals

Can't believe we got out-boogied by shorty !
That man truly does know how to shake that funky love thang

I think we need to strap on the disco ninja shoes and throw down some funkier shapes..... Dance Off Time