Kettering Klan Thursday meets

Kettering Klan Thursday meets



Original Poster:

2,355 posts

246 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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So we on for the Hobson's Choice this Thursday?


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

246 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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I have printed maps of where Rockingham, Slipton (Samuel Pepy's), Sywell and Lowick are for distribution to those less knowledgeable on the area.

We can then decide whether to hold the next meet at one of these alternative pubs.

I'll make 5 copies of each, should be enough.

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

226 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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since my hopes of going on a date this week have gone from remote to "i don`t want to get involved..." i`ll be there at 7:42 prompt!


8,814 posts

263 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
since my hopes of going on a date this week have gone from remote to "i don`t want to get involved..." i`ll be there at 7:42 prompt!


13,993 posts

258 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
since my hopes of going on a date this week have gone from remote to "i don`t want to get involved..." i`ll be there at 7:42 prompt!

You obvoiusly didnt tell her what you drove

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

226 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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mxdi said:
mark r skinner said:
since my hopes of going on a date this week have gone from remote to "i don`t want to get involved..." i`ll be there at 7:42 prompt!

You obvoiusly didnt tell her what you drove

the problem is i did tell her.she said she liked the sound of tvrs. can you tell me where i`m going wrong?


796 posts

225 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
mxdi said:
mark r skinner said:
since my hopes of going on a date this week have gone from remote to "i don`t want to get involved..." i`ll be there at 7:42 prompt!

You obvoiusly didnt tell her what you drove

the problem is i did tell her.she said she liked the sound of tvrs. can you tell me where i`m going wrong?

Give me the TVR and i'll show you how to do it.

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

226 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Jspesh said:
mark r skinner said:
mxdi said:
mark r skinner said:
since my hopes of going on a date this week have gone from remote to "i don`t want to get involved..." i`ll be there at 7:42 prompt!

You obvoiusly didnt tell her what you drove

the problem is i did tell her.she said she liked the sound of tvrs. can you tell me where i`m going wrong?

Give me the TVR and i'll show you how to do it.
jamie, i think she lives quite near you! you should hear me rumbling past! when are you coming to one of our meets anyway?


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

246 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Doode, it just obviusly aint meant to be.

Not everyone is gonna like everyone else enough to have a relationship with them.

Better to say no from the start than be lead to believe you have something special only to find later on, once you are deeply emotionally involved, that it is wrong.

Chin up matey, life moves on and opportunities will come round!


8,814 posts

263 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Mark just remember the song "Dont let love let you down"


13,993 posts

258 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Too right, who needs women anyway, weird race.
Most women would not be interested in doing car runs, may even limit you to one a month!


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

246 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Yep, who would trust a species that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die


3,850 posts

245 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Di and me will be coming along to this Thursdays meet.

We have no idea where it is but it looks simple on the map.

When is the meeting time and are we eating there?

Any other Northamptonites going to tag along?


>> Edited by Nicol@ on Monday 8th May 20:58


13,993 posts

258 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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I am coming this Thursday

(in convoy)


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

246 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Hook through Broughton just off the A43 and meet us at the Red Lion if you like and we can roll in together.


13,993 posts

258 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Sounds good Stef, what time at the Red Lion?


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

246 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Um, I should be there by 7:45

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

226 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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any of you laydees single?

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

226 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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oggs said:
Mark just remember the song "Dont let love let you down"
i`m not familiar with it. have got the complete smiths back catalogue though


3,850 posts

245 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
any of you laydees single?

Do you know vixpy?