Kettering Klan Thursday meets

Kettering Klan Thursday meets



42,678 posts

274 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Nicol@ said:
mark r skinner said:
any of you laydees single?

Do you know vixpy?

You called

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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no, but the name rings a bell. or more likely you`re winding me up?


3,850 posts

246 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
no, but the name rings a bell. or more likely you`re winding me up?

You don't know him then, dont worry about it.

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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what the?

skid solo

324 posts

239 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Hello all,
If I get out of work at a decent time I shall come to the meet for a chin wag and


493 posts

229 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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i shall be there 7:45!

Mark Chin Up Ole Boy!

We should sort a night out for the PH Klan In kettering one night or something, go for a indian and then a few beers.


341 posts

229 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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I'd *like* to turn up, as it looks fairly easy to get to (straight up the 509 for me). Please come over and get me, I'll be the guy on his own that looks lost.

* Disclaimer - Like is by no means, way, shape, or form a guarantee of an appearance. The poster reserves the right not to appear due to any of the following - Rain, work, act of god, or any other act involving the missus throwing a blue fit and not allowing me to come


3,850 posts

246 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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anyone else, please see new thread.


796 posts

226 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
Jspesh said:
mark r skinner said:
mxdi said:
mark r skinner said:
since my hopes of going on a date this week have gone from remote to "i don`t want to get involved..." i`ll be there at 7:42 prompt!

You obvoiusly didnt tell her what you drove

the problem is i did tell her.she said she liked the sound of tvrs. can you tell me where i`m going wrong?

Give me the TVR and i'll show you how to do it.
jamie, i think she lives quite near you! you should hear me rumbling past! when are you coming to one of our meets anyway?

When I get a week of early shifts! 2 weeks running of 1pm-10pm.. not happy.


493 posts

229 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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Max no worries just stand your motor and grin :0)... hee hee we're a friendly bunch and we have our very own rare breed... aye skinner..

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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davemitslancer said:
i shall be there 7:45!

Mark Chin Up Ole Boy!

We should sort a night out for the PH Klan In kettering one night or something, go for a indian and then a few beers.

Yeah.I don`t like indians though!


12,399 posts

282 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
davemitslancer said:
i shall be there 7:45!

Mark Chin Up Ole Boy!

We should sort a night out for the PH Klan In kettering one night or something, go for a indian and then a few beers.

Yeah.I don`t like indians though!

Ahh... problem is you don't drink Mark. Essential precursor to a good ruby is Beer

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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maxxuk said:
I'd *like* to turn up, as it looks fairly easy to get to (straight up the 509 for me). Please come over and get me, I'll be the guy on his own that looks lost.

* Disclaimer - Like is by no means, way, shape, or form a guarantee of an appearance. The poster reserves the right not to appear due to any of the following - Rain, work, act of god, or any other act involving the missus throwing a blue fit and not allowing me to come
hi mark! there`s a distinct lack of porkers at our meets. i may drive a cerb but IMHO the german flat six is the real guvnor.


341 posts

229 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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mark r skinner said:
hi mark! there`s a distinct lack of porkers at our meets. i may drive a cerb but IMHO the german flat six is the real guvnor.

Cheers Mark, Will definately try and make it. You never know, the missus may surprise me and want to come along herself. oh...a flying pig...(no didn't mean the missus) oh lord, better stop now before I dig a bigger hole.....

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Tuesday 9th May 2006
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OK. see you thursday. we`re all on a bit of a high tonight. just got back from the ashbey meet. big thanks to pete for posting my pics!


493 posts

229 months

Wednesday 10th May 2006
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Ahhh i must admitt i was surprised to Mr Skinner Posting Pics!!
Mark did you see the nice big tractor on the way out?!?!
Ill be up on thursday! Should have car for then! going to try and give her a polish!

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Saturday 13th May 2006
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new thursday thread started.