1.5 Crv oil smell and engine light on

1.5 Crv oil smell and engine light on



Original Poster:

198 posts

167 months

Sunday 19th March 2023
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I have a late 2018 Crv 1.5 turbo.

When driving on Friday I noticed that there was a strong engine oil smell, so much so that I stopped and checked for leaks. Nothing found so carried on and car continued to drive fine.

Set off this morning and same oil smell inside the car but two minutes down the road the engine light is on. Came straight back home and will get car to dealer this week but wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

Car was purchased used approved and had a warranty which, annoyingly, expired a couple of months ago.



1 posts

5 months

Tuesday 28th May
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Did you find out what was wrong with your engine.