Love is the Drug Car

Love is the Drug Car



Original Poster:

1,013 posts

171 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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What is the car setting off at the beginning of Roxy Music's "Love is the Drug"


2,293 posts

192 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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I have no idea, but I remember reading one of those "Celebrity Drive" interviews with Bryan Ferry in the original 'Top Gear' magazine in about 1993 when he said he had a C4 Corvette. I thought his choice of car was incredibly well suited to the louche style adopted during his later Roxy and solo career.


3,524 posts

184 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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I once heard it was a Spitfire belonging to someone at the studio. Other stories are available.


35,295 posts

263 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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gforceg said:
I once heard it was a Spitfire belonging to someone at the studio. Other stories are available.
It doesn’t sound like a Spitfire. Pretty sure it’s a V8.


4,400 posts

178 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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It sounds like a four cylinder to me!


2,361 posts

244 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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You can hear two cars starting up at the beginning of the song. The second one sounds like an old MGB to me. Presumably Brian and who ever he's pulled off for a night of fun somewhere. They don't make them like that any more!


679 posts

146 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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always sounded like a VW beetle to me !



41,398 posts

250 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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Sounds like a farty four to me. I had a Corvette C4 and there is no mistaking that V8.


Original Poster:

1,013 posts

171 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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Not sure that a Spitfire or MGB or any farty four could generate that amount of wheelspin!


41,398 posts

250 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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Vanin said:
Not sure that a Spitfire or MGB or any farty four could generate that amount of wheelspin!
My first car was an Austin A40 Farina with a mighty 1098cc four pumping a mighty 48hp.
It could spin the rear 5.20 x 13 crossplies quite easily and often did - not having any tread helped... granted it struggled with the later 165/70's (gasp at the sporty forty...)


7,487 posts

199 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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I think Its a 4 cylinder and triumph 4 cylinder sports cars did sound like that


35,295 posts

263 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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dbdb said:
It sounds like a four cylinder to me!
I’m going to have to listen to it now. In my head, it’s a deep, throaty growl.


Original Poster:

1,013 posts

171 months

Friday 8th September 2017
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I agree that there seem to be two cars and my mistake was thinking that there was wheelspin in second gear whereas it is obviously the second car taking off.

Ferry had an old Studebaker when he was younger

and there is a photo of him with a DB4

Also here he talks about his prized Corvette

But it does not sound like any of these in the song. I will say now that it is two four cylinders probably a Triumph Spitfire taking off followed by an MGB

Amazing with the wealth of knowledge here and on google that we have not found an answer.

somebody must know as it is such an iconic song


13,385 posts

288 months

Saturday 9th September 2017
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No idea what car/eng that is.
However, made me think if there are other records with the sound of a car engine/starting included.

Masses of records over many, many years have been influenced by cars and driving, but engine sounds on record apart from Love is the Drug?
Can't think of any at all, that is apart from this. About 10 secs in the ignition is turned...
Hard of hearing may have to strain to hear it!


2,018 posts

236 months

Sunday 10th September 2017
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Chris Rea Auberge has a car starting, I think Daytona only has engine running, not starting.


7,876 posts

183 months

Monday 11th September 2017
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You can hear the Love Is The Drug car sound on its own if you now anyone with a Mellotron M4000D.

Get them to insert Sound Card 02 (if they have it), then go to 'M400 Roxy FX1', and hit the highest note on the keyboard.

Without the rest of the record to distract you, you will notice that the first car to start just idles, but the second one pulls away with what I would call a very 'early-60s-small-British-sports-car' rasp to the exhaust.

(In the 70s Roxy Music loaded all their sound effects onto a Mellotron so that they could reproduce them on stage. The two sets on the 02 card include some really weird ones such as ghostly voices, single notes from a Minimoog (so that it could be played polyphonically), and an entire section of a RM song, which was sounded by playing a chromatic scale up the keyboard. I think Eddie Jobson played it.)


Original Poster:

1,013 posts

171 months

Friday 30th March 2018
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Found this on youtube

What is the car?


7,876 posts

183 months

Friday 30th March 2018
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Ferrari replica of some sort, I'd say.


59 months

Friday 30th March 2018
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Despite his louche image, Mr Ferry was very practically minded and thrifty in the 1970s.

He once told me over a game of Computer Battleships that the car was in fact a Bedford HA Van.

It became an economical way to transport Eno's Minimoogs during the day and with a couple of ex-Scout sleeping bags in the back (that he'd picked up from a car-boot sale in Durham), it transformed into a 4-wheeled palace of passion sans gig should Mr Ferry have struck lucky with a lady over a Babycham or two.


3,298 posts

212 months

Friday 30th March 2018
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Vanin said:
Found this on youtube

What is the car?
1964 Ferrari 330 LMB Fantuzzi [4381SA].