LS3 Mapping Help in NW

LS3 Mapping Help in NW



Original Poster:

3,948 posts

274 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Hi all - any recommendations for mapping services in the North West? I'm looking for someone who can help with an emissions issue for IVA on a new crate LS3 I've installed.


13,798 posts

268 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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May help if you let them know what ECU it is running. I believe mapping the normal GM ECU is not as readily available as aftermarket ECUs.



Original Poster:

3,948 posts

274 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Steve - good shout if I need to go down the mapping route. following our chat yesterday I'm more confident I can resolve this by checking for leaks and that the fuel pressure is reading correctly.