Best Hi-Fi for £350



Original Poster:

630 posts

269 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Ok, need to buy a Hi-Fi for the house - not really big into music but the Missus likes to listen to the odd CD and a bit of Five Live on Saturday (I kid you not ). So the budget is £350 - I like this one
...and you can get it for £280 elsewhere on the web...

Fire away!


42,655 posts

266 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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denonmicro system seems to be up to the job and cheeper.

What hi fi have a section in the back where they rate them all try looking at that.

not DAB though

>> Edited by pesty on Tuesday 7th December 11:16

alfa male

389 posts

262 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
quotequote all they're really very good and should fit your budget very well.


25,336 posts

261 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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That sort of budget would get you some half decent separates from the like of Richer Sounds - usual route is a Cambridge Audio / Technics / Mission combo, but you might be pushed to get a tuner with that. It will sound better than most all-in-ones.

If you are after something smaller or more lifestyle-y, the Denon units are very good quality - my missus has one, looks very nice, sound is good, and the speakers are actually rebadged Missions.

Whatever you do avoid the boomboxes with flashy lights and displays with the speakers that look like something out of Alien . Definitely a case of form over function....


2,929 posts

253 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Another vote for those little Denon things. If you're not after separates then they're really rather good. I wouldn't worry about getting a DAB tuner as we have one with a digital aerial on the roof and it sounds rubbish compared with a cheap freeview set top box going through a digital decoder on a mindisc deck. Since they've put loads of stations on DAB the quality has been significantly reduced imo. Same with Sky too and the video stations on freeview but for some reason the radio stations don't seem to be affected.


31,343 posts

264 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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I have one of the little denon things (DM31, newer vesion I think) in the bedroom (used as an alarm clock amongst other things).

Craking piece of kit and the only mini.miceo thing I've heard thats remotly musical - its running a pair of old Gale model 4 floorstanding speakers and does well enough.

Other than that a Ritcher sounds CD/reciever/speakers package would be far better audio for the sound, just listen to a decent range of options, lotta great kit out there but not all of it will suit your ears.


329 posts

250 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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I've just got a Cambridge Audio A300 amp, plus a set of Mission III speakers - and absolutely delighted.

£190 all-in from Richer Sounds, including a nice set of speaker cables. The A300 is being phased out, so there's some great deals around.

I've had a decent Sony system for the last few years, but this is on another planet for audio quality.

No remote control and takes up more space, but once you've tried it you won't go back. Well worth a trip to Richer Sounds.

(If your budget will stretch to £400, the spare £210 would buy a DAB radio to connect up - and a CD player too).

>> Edited by blueski on Tuesday 7th December 13:07


5,286 posts

259 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Personally, I wouldn't go for anything other than a seperates system as a "main" hi-fi. I've got a fairly cheap seperates system courtesy of Richer Sounds in the living room (Sony CD, Cambridge Audio amp, Denon tuner, Mission speakers) and a Denon DM-31 in the bedroom.

The DM-31 is great, and definitely the way to go if you want an integrated system rather than seperates. Pick up a copy of What HiFi? - they're always raving about it!

The sperates system is noticably better sounding, though, and is upgradeable as and when you see fit. £350 is a fairly tight budget when you add in things like speaker stands and interconnects, particularly if you need a tuner too. A trip to Richer sounds is probably worthwhile, though, to check out your options. They stock the DM-31 too....


893 posts

285 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Another vote for the Denon DM-31, I have one and it really is a great sounding little hi-fi. Really well made too, it's really substancial, not cheap and flimsy.

It's not a replacement for an expensive seperates system by any means but for the money and the size it's great.

You'll save a few quid as well, spend the rest on


2,875 posts

292 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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speedeight said:
Another vote for the Denon DM-31, I have one and it really is a great sounding little hi-fi. Really well made too, it's really substancial, not cheap and flimsy.

It's not a replacement for an expensive seperates system by any means but for the money and the size it's great.

You'll save a few quid as well, spend the rest on

ID second that aswell, cracking bit of kit.

c c

7,917 posts

249 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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trevorw said:

speedeight said:
Another vote for the Denon DM-31, I have one and it really is a great sounding little hi-fi. Really well made too, it's really substancial, not cheap and flimsy.

It's not a replacement for an expensive seperates system by any means but for the money and the size it's great.

You'll save a few quid as well, spend the rest on

ID second that aswell, cracking bit of kit.

I'd third that super little bit of kit. Look nice and sound fine.


2,929 posts

253 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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c c said:

trevorw said:

speedeight said:
Another vote for the Denon DM-31, I have one and it really is a great sounding little hi-fi. Really well made too, it's really substancial, not cheap and flimsy.

It's not a replacement for an expensive seperates system by any means but for the money and the size it's great.

You'll save a few quid as well, spend the rest on

ID second that aswell, cracking bit of kit.

I'd third that super little bit of kit. Look nice and sound fine.

I'd 4th that.

>> Edited by ginge on Tuesday 7th December 16:04


39,731 posts

294 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Cambridge Audio CD and amp with Mission spkrs, cheap and good quality sound